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2nd Annual Convocation of Birla Global University

Category: Media Coverage Date: 16 Nov 2019

Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar celebrated its 2nd Annual Convocation for the MBA, MAJMC, M.Com, MA Economics 2017-19 batch students at its campus in Bhubaneswar on November 16th.Prof. Ganeshi Lal, Governor Of Odisha and Chancellor of the University presided over the occasion.

In his address the Governor said that the real mission has to be creating universal man. He also said that true development is possible when technology and theology go hand in hand. The Governor urged the graduating students to look at their inner self and explore their potential to the maximum which he believed is true enlightenment.

The Chief Guest of the occasion Prof. Damodar Acharya,Former Director IIT Khargapur and Chairman,AICTE differentiated between a manger and a leader and exhorted the students to strive for being leaders in their respective profession.

Addressing the gathering Sri Vikas Kandoi,Member,BoG,BGU said that this is a big day for the passing out students. He also said that learning does not stop after graduating and they should keep on augmenting their skill sets to meet newer challenges. Dr. H. Chaturvedi, Director, BIMTECH Greater Noida and Member BoG,BGU, spoke about the immense contribution of the Birla family,a legacy that BGU is carrying forward diligently.

Welcoming the Chancellor and other dignitaries Dr. Sudhakar Panda ,Vice Chancellor ,Birla Global University presented the annual report of the University outlining its activities and future plans.

Prof. P.Nayak Dean,Birla School of Management,Prof. Samson Moharana,Dean ,School of Commerce Prof. Shiv Shankar Das,HOD,Birla School of Communication,Prof. Ajit Das,Coordinator,Birla School of Social Science and Humanities presented the list of graduating students and toppers of their respective schools to the Governor for award of degrees. The convocation ceremony was conducted by Dr. B.K. Das, Registrar,Birla Global University.

The Controller of Examinations Dr. Bimal Chandra Mishra presented the records of the degrees to the Chancellor. The Batch topper are Shilpa Patanaik (MBA), Priyankita Praharaj(MAJMC) Uttam Agarawal, (M.Com),Pragyan Das (Economics) and Vishal Karnani (BBA) received Gold Medals from the Chancellor. Present among others were Prof. Lalit Kumar Deb,Dean Birla School of Law,Dr.Archana Choudhury,Coordinator,MBA program.