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Technology Assisted Marketing Challenges in Post COVID-19 Scenario

Author: BGU Category: Covid-19 Date: 01 May 2020

The present marketing environment is unprecedented in nature. Nobody had make-believe that 2020 will start in such a difficult and disconcerting note. The global pandemic state of affairs due to COVID-19 has constrained us to feel helpless and hapless. There is no medicine, no recommended therapy to save the infected mass and specially the senior citizens across the globe. Business all over the world is most horribly affected and there is a slender chance of instantaneous salvage. There will be a new communication pattern emerge in this world of social media. In this situation society will crave for generous changes. The present Lockdown period has shown us the trailer of the horror movie we are going watch in post lockdown phase.

If we discuss the marketing aspect, we find a big disappointment also. Marketing departments are not prepared to face the sudden changes happening in business environment. They are not ready to digitalize their business process: their staffs are not properly trained to work from home and even they don’t have a well-supported and productive Information Technology (IT) department.

Technology has transformed the entire marketing dynamics in this situation. Changes are happening overnight and marketing workforce are facing equal challenges to adopt with the changes as they know these changes are inevitable to become competitive and thriving in this cut through competition both locally and globally. So how human beings are moving and gradually evolving in the marketing department with all the natural and man-made challenges entrenched with them.

We are not slave to technology, yet we are not complete with this technology. Within the spirit of humanity how marketing is looking at technology as a pressure or responsive gesture in this world is the most difficult question to answer today. Few questions to ponder:

  • Can Digital Marketing or technologically enabled marketing solve our problems in post COVID-19 scenario? Should we see technology as an enabler or primary process?
  • Can the marketing discipline catch the pace of technological advancement and the overlapping of many facets of technology in marketing processes?
  • What would be paramount for the future of marketing: A technological robustness or a humanitarian side of marketing that understands the world better and contemplate for the sustainable development
  • How can industry prepare a marketing department in this technological enabled Marketing?
  • What are the adjustments industries and academia must bring to bridge the gap between the physical and digital interface in marketing functions?
  • What industry expect in a marketing graduate in this juncture?
  • How can we understand customers and how they understand the marketer?

These are some of the questions affecting both industry and academia. They are coming together to discuss debate and deliberate on many issues and they should suggest valid and pertinent points to new generation management practitioners and thinkers so that they can face challenges in the next decade.