Birla Global University has truly been my second home. Home isn't just a place for me, rather it's a feeling, that just feels right.
It was my first time that I stayed in a hostel. I was a little worried at first as how I would adjust myself in a completely new surrounding. But with time, everything felt right and it became my favourite place. I would like to mention that, room 402 C became my favourite place. I've had bad times and I've weird stories too with regard to my room. But I've had my best of moments in that room. My go-to place was my best friend. At once, it was totally out of my comfort zone and then after a while, it became my comfort zone. At times, when I felt all alone, my room proved to be my biggest support system. Yes, it's weird but it is what it is.
I had amazing flatmates who stood by my side and together we woke up late and ran late to class and I was lucky enough to have amazing friends who did crazy stuff with me and loved me like no other. We've had the best memories from dancing to songs and then laughing at it so bad and then crying about not studying anything and eventually studying the whole night to get some marks. Glees to all of it.
BGU has helped me the most in my life right from my room, to my classroom, to my basketball court and to the cricket field. With everything, it has taught me to be myself. I was extremely bad at public speaking, I had stage fear and used to shiver while talking in front of people but with time, I started giving presentations and that helped me to enhance my inner self. Moreover, I feel that I've learnt more in basketball court and field than in the classrooms. This doesn't mean that classrooms didn't do enough, this simply means that even if it's not about classrooms, BGU still gives us enough chances and opportunities to show our talent and learn about new things. From playing for my team to cheering for my house, it has been an amazing journey of ups and downs. From our wardens to our faculties to our mess in-charge to our guards to our seniors; everyone has played an important role and has helped whenever we needed them. BGU has made me more strong and confident than I was. More than anyone else, those walls and pillars have heard my craziest laughs, seen my best performance and have heard my worst cries. I've learnt and I've connected emotionally to such an extent, just in 7 months of my campus life and to be honest it doesn't even feel like 7 months passed by. It feels like I spent 2-3 years but even then it's not enough to admire the true beauty of BGU. I've grown a lot as a person, may it be inside my classroom or in the field or just in my room. There was something in the air that kept me going. Please don't start to wonder about anything else. Well that's just oxygen guys as our campus is full of lush green trees.
When we're away from someone in distance, we're still together because we're all under the same sky. Same way, we as people will grow, will change, will have different lives but I believe BGU will always be that sky that will keep us together even when we're away. My journey in BGU will always be a journey because the number of times I'll visit this campus, I have taken a part of it with me to be myself, every single time, today and forever.
Roshni Mishra
BBA 2019-22