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Birla Global University holds 3rd Convocation

Category: Media Coverage Date: 30 Dec 2020

Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar organized its 3rd Annual Convocation for the MBA, BBA,MAJMC,BAJMC,M.Com, B.Com and MA Economics students on 30th December 2020.The Convocation was held on virtual mode due to the COVID 19 restrictions. Prof. Harivansh Chaturvedi, Member,Board of Governors,BGU and Director,BIMTECH,Greater Noida presided over the convocation.

In his address Prof. Chaturvedi spoke about a new world which has brought plenty of challenges for all of us due to the pandemic as a result of which the convocation is being held virtually. He also advised the students to be hopeful and optimistic about their future because the next two decades will be witnessing a robust growth in all the sectors. He complemented the efforts of faculties, staffs and the students for successfully organizing the convocation in a virtual mode.

Mr. Vikash Kandoi,Member, Board of Governor,BGUadvised the students tonot be only the torch bearers of our long legacy of Values with Excellence but begin to make a difference from what they have learned to make the world a better place.

Welcoming the dignitaries, students and parents Prof. P.P.Mathur, Vice Chancellor,Birla Global University presented the annual report of the University outlining its activities and future plans.

Prof. P.Nayak Dean,Birla School of Management,Prof. Samson Moharana,Dean,School of Commerce presented the list of graduating students and toppers of different schools for award of degrees. The convocation ceremony was conducted by Dr. B.K. Das, Registrar,Birla Global University.

The Controller of Examinations Dr. Bimal Chandra Mishra and Dr.Archana Choudhary,Coordinator,MBA program organized the convocation proceedings.

The Batch toppersSrusti Patra (MBA),Sudesna Das Patanaik(MAJMC),SahistaTasnim, (M.Com),Sunil Swarup (Economics),Mohammed Javaid (BBA),Anwesha Nandi (BAJMC),Sanchita Das (B.COM) were awardedGold Medals. Mohammed Javaid of BBA program was awarded as the best graduate of the year.