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Birla Global University Celebrates Its 5th Foundation Day

Category: Media Coverage Date: 01 Apr 2021

Bhubaneswar: Birla Global University Bhubaneswar celebrated its 5th foundation day on 1st April 2021 which incidentally falls on UtkalDiwas, the day Odisha became a separate state.

Dr.TrilochanMohapatra,Secretary, Department of Agricultural Research and Education and Director General of ICAR , an eminent agricultural scientist of the country graced the occasion as chief guest and delivered the foundation day lecture. The ceremony started at the university seminar hall with the traditional lighting of lamp along withrendering of the Saraswati Vandana.

In his foundation day address,Dr. Mahapatra discussed various issues and challenges the farmers and the agriculture sector in the country is currently passing through. He stressed on expanding the scope of agricultural education in universities, and how it can open a plethora of opportunities for the young and talented people.

A seasoned agricultural research scientist, Dr.TrilochanMohapatra stressed on how agriculture can contribute towards moulding India into a 5 trillion-dollar economy. He added that India is a leader infish exports and milk production due to white revolution. India has led the world culturally through expanding the practice of yoga.Dr. Mahapatra also elaborated about the leadership role played by India during this pandemic, which was appreciated by different world leaders. India has proved its leadership by providing assistance to more than 100 countries in fighting COVID 19 and has also been a major supplier of COVID vaccines to these countries free of cost as a goodwill gesture.

Dr. H. Chaturvedi, Director, BIMTECH, Greater Noida and Member, Board of Governors-BGU congratulated the faculty,staff and students on the occasion of the 5th foundation day of the University and UtkalDiwas. He also released the BGU anthem on this occasion.

In his welcome address, Prof.P.P. Mathur,Vice Chancellor,Birla Global University said that as a young university, Birla Global University is progressive in approach. It is constantly engaged in inculcating changes through designing new syllabi and courses to make the university academically more relevant. He appreciated the efforts made by the faculty and staff members towards the growth of the newly born University.

Delivering the vote of thanks Dr. B.K Das Registrar,BGU said that, it is a proud moment for all the members of BGU family as we are celebrating the 5th foundation day of Birla Global University along with UtkalDiwas.