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Journal Publications

1Rath, M., & Pattanayak, B. K. (2021). Performance evaluation of optimized protocol in MANET. International Journal of Information and Computer Security, 14(3-4), 318-326.
2Rath, M., Rodrigues, J. J. P. C., & Oreku, G. S. (2021). Applications of cognitive intelligence in the information retrieval process and associated challenges. International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence, 15(1), 26-38.
3De, A., Kundu, P., Das, S., & Kar, S. (2020). A ranking method based on interval type-2 fuzzy sets for multiple attribute group decision making. Soft Computing, 24(1), 131-154.
4Dash, A. (2020). Exploring visit intention to India for medical tourism using an extended theory of planned behaviour. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, 4(4), 418-436.
5Kundu, P., Hazra, N. K., & Nanda, A. K. (2020). Reliability study of series and parallel systems of heterogeneous component lifetimes following proportional odds model. Statistics, 54(2), 375-401.
6Rath, M. (2020). Preface. In Managing resources for futuristic wireless networks (pp. xvi-xxi). Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
7Rath, M., Pati, B., Panigrahi, C. R., & Peng, S.-L. (2020). Control of congestion and traffic light using intelligent approaches in smart city. International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, 18(4), 371-380.
8Rath, M., Pati, B., & Pattanayak, B. K. (2019). Design and development of a secured framework for efficient routing in vehicular ad-hoc networks. International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking, 15(2), 55-72.
9Kanjuo Mrčela, A., & Nayak, P. (2018). Gendered distribution of economic power in India [Distribucija ekonomske moči v Indiji po spolu]. Teorija in Praksa, 55(3), 513-517.
10Kanjuo Mrčela, A., & Nayak, P. (2018). Gendered distribution of economic power in India. Teorija in Praksa, 55(3), 513-517.