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1 | Das, R., Sharma, B., & Pal, M. K. (2024). Competition law’s importance in addressing anti-competitive behaviour in bankruptcy proceedings and NPA management strategies. Library Progress International, 44(3), 2609-2626. |
2 | Prasad, S., Dakshinamurthy, T., Dash, I., Garg, R., Thulaseedharan, A., Rajagopalan, K. K., & Goel, A. V. (2024). Impact of entrepreneurship education on youth employment: Evidence from developing countries. Library Progress International, 44(3), 9993-9999. |
3 | Pandey, A., Batta, K., Arora, S., Raj, P., Chakraborthy, S., Kaliappan, S. (2024). Machine learning evaluation of key aspects of user preferences and usability of e-commerce websites. Library Progress International, 44(3), 3117-3123. |
4 | Shettigar, J., Misra, P., Sanyal, P. K., & Kawinga, A. (2024). The impact of tax reforms on human development index: Literature review approach. International Journal of Social Welfare, 33(3), 757-776. |
5 | Mishra, A., & Dash, A. K. (2024). Return volatility of Asian stock exchanges: A GARCH DCC analysis with reference to Bitcoin and global crude oil price movement. Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies, 17(1), 29-48. |
6 | Bisoyi, B., Mishra, V., Das, B., & Satpathy, I. (2024). Role of e-business driven OTT platforms in influencing consumer’s intention to cut the cable cord. Management and Labour Studies, 49(1), 82-96. |
7 | Kadikilo, A. C., Nayak, P., & Sahay, A. (2024). Barriers to research productivity of academics in Tanzanian higher education institutions: The need for policy interventions. Cogent Education, 11(1), Article 2351285. |
8 | Kabra, S., & Dass, S. (2024). Licious’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic: A step towards crisis communication? FIIB Business Review, 13(1), 18-26. |
9 | Behera, D. K., Rahut, D. B., Padmaja, M., & Dash, A. K. (2024). Socioeconomic determinants of happiness: Empirical evidence from developed and developing countries. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 109, Article 102187. |
10 | Joshi, M. P., Pandit, D., Tiwari, S. R., & Choudhary, A. (2024). Entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial communities in India: Does gender really play a role? Journal of Enterprising Communities, 18(2), 392-414. |