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International Conference on IPR, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Category: Media Coverage Date: 08 Apr 2022

This report outlines the objective, discussions and participations of the International Conference, which took place in online mode on April 7th-8th 2022.

School of Law, Birla Global University, organised a two-day International Conference on IPR, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in collaboration with MAHARASHTRA NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY, MUMBAI. The purpose of this International Conference was to provide a space and an opportunity for students, research scholars, professionals and academicians to share, analyse, enhance their skill and provide feedback on the significance of IPR, Innovation and Entrepreneurship.  The conference was a part of an Interdisciplinary discipline that contributed towards sharing good practices, addressing issues to be resolved, discussing various dispute resolution systems, minimizing IPR infringements, piracy and counterfeiting and encouraging protection of trade secrets improving, as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

Under the generous patronage and constant supervision of Prof PP Mathur , Vice Chancellor Birla Global University, Prof. Dillip Ukey ,Vice Chancellor Maharashtra National Law University, Prof B.K Das ,Registrar Birla Global University, and Prof. LK Deb , Chairperson of the conference and Dean School of Law, Birla Global University and Prof (Dr) Samson Moharana,Dean School of Commerce, Birla Global University amounted to reach the expected level.

Dr.Itishree Mishra ,Associate Professor cum Event Coordinator, Mr Punyashlok Das ,Assistant Professor cum event co-cordinator and Dr.Pallab Das ,Assistant Professor cum event co-cordinator  ,this two-day International Conference could attract 86 participants from India and beyond during the inaugural session on 7th April. On day we had 20 paper presentations complying in to four technical sessions and with an average of 40 participants.  

The Inaugural session on 7th April began with BGU Kul Geet, the official anthem of Birla Global University paving way to the entire schedule of the conference. Dr. Pallab Das Assistant Prof. briefed the introduction of the event followed by Prof. LK Deb presenting the welcome address to our august gathering. Prof. Dillip Ukey Sir, Vice Chancellor Maharashtra National Law University addressed our audience and participants with his words of encouragement towards the central theme of the conference. Proceeding with the words of encouragement and good wishes Prof. B K Das, Registrar, Birla Global University who elucidated the need and emergence of such conferences and encouraged for more such sessions in the near future. Further, we had the opportunity to listen to the humble words of our Chief guest for the inaugural session Sri P Mohan, Former Chief Justice Sri Lanka who described the awareness of every other thing under IPR. Next, we received the opportunity to listen to our key note speaker Ms Komal Kalha Mam, Associate Director, IP, AND TRADE POLICY, The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations, IFPMA, THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL. Her words of knowledge and practicality highlighted the real-world issues related to the IPR, innovation and entrepreneurship and steps to resolve them.

All the four technical session of the conference was headed with Resource Persons chaired and co-chaired resource person across the state and country. Dr W M Dhumane Ex- Senior Joint Controller of Patent and Design, Prof. Sajid Sheikh, Assistant Registrar, MNLU of India Prof. Subhash Rathore, Gujarat University , Prof(Dr)Yugal Kishore Adjunct Professor ,KIIT School Of Law , Prof. Dr L.K Deb Dean ,Birla School of Law

Prof. P Sree Sudha Head, CIPR, DSNLU Co-Chair: Dr. Meenaketan Sahu HOD, PG Department- Law, Sambalpur University ,Mr. Aurobinda Panda ,Managing Partner, Founder – Lex Protector.

There were Student Convenor,moderators and rapporteurs in the entire event  from Birla School of Law :-

1.Malaya Kumar Tripathy

2.Sai Ujjal

3.Sureshwari Goyal

4.Sinchan Rath

5.Anisha Mishra

6.V.L Chaitra

7.Yasmin Kausar

8.Sejal Gupta


10.Ayush Mishra

Dr. Mitashree Tripathy, School of Law proposed the Vote of Thanks for both Inaugural and Valedictory session.