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Demanding Quality Management Education: Realize Your Role

Author: BGU Category: General Date: 28 Apr 2020

When we talk about higher education, certain things come to our mind. Higher education can lead to better employment or better living conditions. Higher education can make you socially and economically sound. You may find higher education changing your own understanding of issues generally ignored and unaddressed by the general mass. It makes you a complete human being. You realize your importance and you take the challenges to ensure the society to acknowledge the thought process you accept and determine. So higher education transforms you to a complete, dedicated and responsible citizen.

The role of higher educational instructions are equally important to propel the message of social transformation within the objective of individual growth and development. India has not yet understood the importance of having quality higher educational institutes which deliver the larger objectives of holistic knowledge assimilation and acceptance of progressive cultural changes. Irrespective of this functional limitation we have talented and equally determined youth which dream to be successful and committed to deliver in their respective fields of specialization. In this context management graduates of this nation do show a lot of promise and hope.

The question of right approach to management education has been raised in different forums under different circumstances with different objectives associated with. But, whatever may be the level of argument, the hard reality has been the upgradation and acceptance of new technological and advanced form of pedagogy to encourage a new form of dealing to this discipline. So here the management education requires the overall understanding of its stakeholders’ aspirations and a sense of adjustment. Quality management institutes have already stated this change process and the results are really amazing. Online projects, online discussions, case study method of analysis, management games, simulations, using online forums for ideation and collaborations, research oriented class room assignments, professional presentations, career enhancement certification programs/courses (Capstone, Loma, Markstat, English-Pro, Six-Sigma), industrial visits, Guest lecturers series and foreign students exchange programs are defining this new facet of management education. So these dimensions that enrich management education ensure maximum student participation and involvement. This also empowers the benefited management graduates and put them in a different league.

So it is indispensable to know and enquire about those management institutes which have taken the advanced stages of management study revolution and already mentoring the students to reach a new height that is expected and demanded by the society and the nation.

Quality management education is your right, but you have to be equally demanding it.