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Book in “Studies in Management” Released at BGU

Category: Media Coverage Date: 11 Dec 2017

Prof. Dr. Madan Mohan Goel, Director of Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, Sripetumbudur, Tamil Nadu released the book "Studies in Management" in a function at Birla Global University (BGU), Bhubaneswar in the presence of Dr.Sudhakar Panda, Vice chancellor, BGU, Dr. B.K. Das. Registrar, Dr. P. Nayak. Dean, School of Management. faculty and staff members. Editor in Chief of the book is Dr. B.K.Das, Registrar. Birla Global University, The book comprises of research papers contributed as book chapters by the faculty members of Birla Global University. Dr. Sudhakar Panda, Vice Chancellor, BGU, welcomed the dignitaries and encouraged the faculty members to contribute more in research and publications.

The vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. B.R. Das, Registrar, BGU.