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Birla Global University organizes HR Conclave on 12 February 2022

Category: Media Coverage Date: 14 Feb 2022

Birla School of Management, Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar organized an HR Conclave on 12 February 2022 in the online mode. Dr. Aquil Busrai, Chief Executive Officer, Aquil Busrai Consulting & former Executive Director, HR, IBM Corporation & Director, HR, Shell Malaysia and Managing Director, Shell People Services Asia Sdn Bhd graced the function as the chief guest. In his inaugural address, he spoke on the importance of value addition for businesses and how there was a need of introducing new practices and policies for a new era as the future was unpredictable and challenging. He also emphasized that HR has to bring in new ideas, understand the business and implement new HR practices. Mr. Satyanarayana Vinjamoori, Senior Director, HR, ADP, graced the function as the keynote speaker. Citing the example of Shark tank India, he spoke as to how people of all ages were looking at business from a different perspective and sticking to the basics is the key to success. He also encouraged everyone to actively participate in the conclave and get benefitted. Prof. P. P. Mathur, Vice Chancellor, Birla Global University gave the presidential address. In his address, he emphasized on smart work and on-time output driven initiatives to stay competitive.  Prof. P. Nayak, Dean Birla School of Management, introduced the theme of the conclave. His main focus was on the key drivers that dictate the success of the business in new age business, human machine integration, managing the gig workers, role of HR leaders etc.  Dr. Archana Choudhary, Conclave Convener and Associate Professor, (OB & HR) welcomed all the participants in her welcome address. Deans of different schools, faculty members, students and participants from various institutions and universities were also present.  The conclave had an Inaugural session and two panel discussions, the first on Issues and Challenges of HR in Pandemic & Post Pandemic Era and the second on Changing Role of HR Leaders in New Age Business. Thirteen HR leaders and practitioners from various industries shared their knowledge and experience which was very interesting, insightful and enriching.The conclave concluded with the vote of thanks proposed by Dr. Snigdha Mohapatra, Conclave Co- Convener and Assistant Professor (OB & HR).