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Birla Global University Celebrates International Women’s Day

Category: Media Coverage Date: 17 Mar 2023

Birla Global University organized the concluding function of International Women’s Day on 10th March 2023 after a week-long celebrations. The theme of this year was DigitALL: Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality. The Chief guest of the function was Rotarian Jayashree Mohanty, Co-founder of Luminous Info ways and District Governor (2023-24) Rotary. In her speech the Chief Guest said that this is the time when more women should venture into start-ups as the entire country and the state is offering lot of incentives to women. Women should be provided with a proper support system so that their participation in the workforce increases. Prof..P P Mathur Vice Chancellor, Birla Global University in his presidential address said that earlier only few women used to have career in STEM courses, but now many women are coming forward to take up those careers. Prof. B K Das, Registrar Birla Global University while sharing his thoughts said that women are shining in various fields today as many employers are embracing equity in their organizations. Dr. Archana Choudhary, Associate Professor, gave the welcome address and Ms. Ashna Sidiqqui, Faculty proposed the vote of thanks. All Deans, Faculty members and students were present on the occasion.