The National Service Scheme (NSS) Bureau of Birla Global University (BGU) Bhubaneswar celebrated NSS Day on 24th September 2022 by organizing different events like Community CPR Training in collaboration with AIIMS Bhubaneswar, Anti-Food Wastage Campaign, Empowering Support Staff, and Stress Management by the NSS volunteers.
NSS-BGU teamed up with the NSS-AIIMS Bhubaneswar to train NSS Volunteers and create awareness about Community CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) among BGU stakeholders. CPR is an emergency life-saving procedure performed when the heart stops beating. Immediate CPR can double or triple the chances of survival after cardiac arrest. Dr. Sritam Swarup Jena, Associate Professor, Anesthesiology and Critical Care, AIIMS, Bhubaneswar, led the CPR training team constituting 10 volunteers and one Program officer from NSS-AIIMS Bhubaneswar. The team was coordinated by Dr. Priyamadhaba Behera, Asst. Professor, Community & Family Medicine, and NSS Coordinator AIIMS Bhubaneswar. More than 70 volunteers received hands-on training on CPR. The program was conducted in the presence of Prof. (Dr.) B. K. Das, Registrar, Prof. (Dr.) Parameswar Nayak, Dean, School of Management, Prof. (Dr.) Samson Moharana, Dean, School of Commerce, and Faculty & Staff Members of BGU. The awareness of CPR will further be executed by the NSS team to further spread the awareness among all stakeholders of the University, surrounding communities of BGU Campus, and others in the coming months.
An Anti-Food Wastage Campaign was executed to celebrate NSS Week from 19th to 24th September 2022. The campaign draws attention by executing unique approaches to Anti-Food Waste consciousness among the BGU stakeholders and the general public. The campaigns include Pledge taking - “I Will Not Waste Food,” “Ring the Bell if you have not Wasted any Food,” and online campaigns related to Anti-Food Wastage Posters and messages on social media. The campaign seeks to change attitudes and behavior so that food waste can be significantly reduced worldwide. Ms. Sonika Suman, Academic Associate and Member of the NSS Committee, led the program along with Dr. Siddharth Misra, Asst Professor Marketing and Program Officer, NSS, and the Mess Conduit of the University.
NSS volunteers also organized a program for the University’s support staff to spread awareness about the respect they deserve. The volunteers conducted different activities with the support staff and entertained them with enthusiasm and respect. Dr. Snighdha Mohapatra, Asst. Prof. OB & HR and Member, NSS Committee led the event with a team of volunteers. The NSS volunteers also performed a stress management skit by showcasing different dimensions and the root causes of stress for an individual and presenting possible solutions. The event was led by Ms. Lopamudra Nayak, Asst. Professor and NSS Program officer. Finally, NSS volunteers were awarded the certification of appreciation by Dr. Sritam Swarup Jena from AIIMS, Bhubaneswar, and other NSS Program officers of BGU. Ms. Ashna Siddiqui, Academic Associate and Program Officer appreciated the AIIMS team’s generosity and support for the CPR program. Mr. Suresh Golle, Program Officer, coordinated the digital documentation with the IT team. Ms. Lopamudra Nayak gave the formal vote of thanks. Dr. Suvendu Kumar Pratihari, Assistant Professor, School of Management and the Convener-NSS, Birla Global University, coordinated the NSS Day Program.