Designation: Associate Professor Extn: 224 Email: Area: Statistics & Operation Research
Brief Profile
Dr. Pal is a faculty in Decision Science and Operations Management, Birla School of Management, Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar He has obtained a Ph.D. degree in the area of Probability & Operations Research from Sambalpur University. He has over 22+ years of experience in teaching, research, and consulting. His teaching interest includes Quantitative Methods, Operations Management, Operation Research, Research Methodology, TQM, and Project Management. His research interest includes Random Polynomials, Optimization Modelling, Public Policy & Development, Behavioural Finance, Social Entrepreneurship, and Information & Communication Technology.
He has attended and presented papers at many national and international conferences. Many of his papers have been published in edited books and reputed journals. He has reviewed a number of papers and has been the editor of peer-reviewed research-based journals. He has also received best paper awards both in national & international conferences. He has participated in training programs at IIT Kharagpur and IIM Bangalore. He is a member of the Indian Science Congress Association.
Educational Qualifications
Statistics from Sambalpur University on “Some Properties of Random Equations and their Applications to Linear Programming Problems”, 2010
M. Phil
Statistics from Sambalpur University on “Stochastic Programming”, 1993
Statistics from Utkal University, 1992
Areas of Interest Research
Random Polynomials
Optimization Modelling
Public Policy & Development
Behavioural Finance
Social Entrepreneurship
Information & Communication Technology
Teaching Courses
Business Statistics
Operations Research
Production & Operations Management
Research Methodology
Project Management
Statistical Quality Control & TQM
Joined Birla Global University Bhubaneswar on 11 th February 2016
Associate Professor, Institute of Management and Information Science, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, Feb 2012 – Feb 2016
Associate Professor, Regional College of Management, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, Mar 2011 – Feb 2012
Controller of Examinations, Inter science Institute of Management and Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, May 2010 – Mar 2011
Faculty & Campus Coordinator, ICFAI National College (a constituent of ICFAI Hyderabad), Mar 2005 – May 2010
Part-time Lecturer, P.G Department of Statistics, Sambalpur University, 2001-2004
Lecturer in Statistics, NAC College Burla, 1997-2005
Academic Positions
Controller of Examinations, Birla Global University, Feb 2021 onwards
Executive Editor of the Journal “Pratibimba” in IMIS, Bhubaneswar
NSS Program Officer, Sambalpur University
NSS Program Officer, Sambalpur University
Award and Recognitions
Young research Scholar award in International Conference on Management Cases (ICMC) 2016 on December 1 & 2, 2016, Organized by BIMTECH Campus, Greater Noida, India
Best Paper award in 7th National Management Convention on 21st-22nd February 2014, organized by KIIT School of Management, KIIT University.
Research Funding and Consulting
Completed the seed-funded project with the seed money of Rs. 50,000/- (fifty thousand only) provided by the Birla Global University on “Sustainable Economic Growth for the Sambalpuri Weaver Community” in 2024.
A Study of Growing Complexities in Indian Life Insurance Market – A case study of Indian Life Insurance Industries 2006.
Customer satisfaction study for retail & consumer DO’s, Air fuel stations of Indian Oil Corporation Limited sponsored by Marketing Research & Consultancy.
Dealership Assessment Study of the Hyundai Showrooms at Sambalpur sponsored by Marketing Research & Consultancy.
Research Paper
Jena, B. P., Choudhary, A., Pal, M. K., & Misra, S. (2024, May). Job content plateau and career commitment: the mediating role of developmental i-deals and the moderating role of proactive personality. In Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship. Emerald Publishing Limited.
Jena, B. P., Choudhary, A., Misra, S., & Pal, M. K. (2023). Empirical test of the moderating role of proactive personality and mediating role of developmental idiosyncratic deals on managing job content plateau. Организационная психология, 13(3), 54-73.
Pal, M. K., Choudhary, A, and Jena, B.P (2023), Job Content Plateau and Career Commitment: Double Mediation of Intervening Factors at Indian Public Sector accepted in International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management, ISSN: 1741-1041 (Print), ISSN: 1741-105X (Online)
Pal, M. K., Choudhary, A, and Jena, B.P (2022), Managing Job Content Plateau through Proactive Personality: A Conceptual framework published in International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, ISSN online1751-0260, ISSN print, 1751-0252, DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10049048
Pal, M. K., Sarangi, D., Prusty, S., and Chen, Qiyang. (2022), Smart City E-Governance Through Intelligent ICT Framework published in International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector, ISSN: 1935-5688, EISSN: 1935-696, EISBN13: 9781683180319, DOI: 10.4018/IJISSS.20220401, Vol. 14 (2), pp-1-22
Pal, M. K. and Parhi, S. P. (2021), Impact of Overconfidence Bias in Stock Trading Approach: A Study of High Net Worth Individuals (HNI) Stock Investors in India published in the journal Benchmarking: an International Journal, ISSN: 1463-5771,
Pal. M. K. and Anamika (2014), Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme to uplift the downtrodden: A study in Odisha published in Siddhant- A Journal of Decision Making, ISSN: 2231-0649, DOI:10.5958/2231-0657.2016.00032.X
Pal, M. K. and Bagh. S (2015), Stochastic Programming with Cauchy Distribution. Published in Pakistan Journal of Operations Research, ISSN: 1816 2711, E- ISSN: 2220 5810 Vol. XI, pp.543-552.
Pal, M. K. and Bagh. S (2015), The Expected Number of Maxima of a Random Algebraic Polynomial with Independently Normally Distributed Random Variables. Published in Journal of Analysis and Number Theory An International journal, ISSN 2375-2807, Vol. 3, No. 2, PP. 149-162.
Pal, M. K. and Anamika (2014), Revisiting Management Education for Socio-Economic Growth, published in Odisha Review, ISSN 0970-8669, Vol. LXX No.12, pp.28-34.
Pal, M. K. and Anamika (2014), Transforming Management Education in Line with Youth Expectation, published in Parikalpana, ISSN 0974-2808, Vol. 11, Issue 1, pp 61-73
Pal. M. K. and Anamika (2014), Imparting Entrepreneurship Education for Strategic Innovation and Economic Development: a study in Odisha, published in Asian Journal of Management Research, ISSN 2229-3795, Vol. 5, Issue2, pp.234-252.
Pal, M. K. and Moharana, C. R. (2012), Information and Network Security in E-Governance: Perspective and Issues, published in International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences, ISSN 2250-0588, Vol. No. 2, Number 11, pp. 347-362.
Pal, M. K. and Bagh. S (2012), Exceedance Measure of a Random Algebraic Polynomials, published in International Journal of Statistics and Analysis, ISSN 2248-9959, Vol. No. 2, Number 4, pp. 467-477.
Pal, M. K. and Bagh. S (2012), Random algebraic polynomials with non-identically distributed normal coefficients, published in the International Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, (A) ISSN 2231-346X, (B) ISSN 2231-3478, Vol. No. 24, Number 4, pp. 303-310.
Pal, M. K. and Bagh. S (2012), “Exceedance Measure of a Class of Random Algebraic Polynomials”, published in International Journal of Computational Science and Mathematics, ISSN 0974-3189, Vol. No. 4, Number 2, pp. 123-134.
Working Papers
Mental Accounting Bias, Its influence on Behaviour and Approach of High Net-worth Individual (HNI) in Stock Investment in India
Attitude and behavioural intention of health professionals in adopting latest technologies
Book & Book Chapters
An Analysis of Performance Odisha with special reference to KBK Districts 2006-07 to 2014-15, Published by Indian Institute of Public Administration, Regional Branch, Bhubaneswar, Odisha Chapter, 2016
“Some properties of random equations and their applications to LPP” Lambert Academic Publishing (ISBN-13:978-3-659-35893-7), 2014
Chapter titled “Community Involvement Through Entrepreneurship: Art of Pattachitra and Community of Chitrakars published in the book THE KALEIDOSCOPE, VSRD Academic Publishing, Pp: 106-120, ISBN-13: 978-93-87610-83-5 (Co-author: Anamika)
Chapter titled “Certainty and Resilience of Online Education through SERVQUAL: A study in Odisha” in the Book COVID-19 and the Future of Higher Education in India, Springer International Publishing, Pp: 29-50, ISBN : 3031204247, 9783031204241 (Co-authors: S. P. Padhi and Anamika)
Chapter titled “Taboo Topics and Sexual education in Indian schools: How and What Teacher’s Communicate” in the Book Handbook of Research on Communication Strategies for Taboo Topics, IGI Global, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9125-3.ch019, 273-283 (Co-authors: Anubha Ray)
Chapter titled “Developmental Idiosyncratic Deals and Career Commitment: Mediation Effect of Organization Commitment” in the Book Contemporary Issues and Challenges in Business Management- Post Covid-19, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, ISBN: 978-1-032-21444-3, pp. 273-283 (Co-authors: Biswa Prakas Jena & Archana Choudhary)
Chapter titled “Impact of Technology on Human Resource Information System and Achieving Business Intelligence in Organizations” in the Book on Artificial Intelligence Trends for Data Analytics Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, E-Book ISBN9780367854737, pp. 123-133(Co-authors: Sharanika Dhal, Archana Chaudhary & Mamata Rath)
“Stochastic Models and Their Applications” in the book Studies in Management, Kumud Publications, New Delhi, India, pp. 153-167, 2018 (ISBN:978-93 -82885-93-1)
“A Critical Analysis of Non-Performing Assets of Selected Commercial Banks in India” in the edited book Indian Banking: The Issue of Non-Performing Assets (NPAs), Excel India Publishers, New Delhi, India, pp. 101-115, 2018 (ISBN:978-93 -86724-64-9)
Case titled “Community Based Entrepreneurship – Predicament of Heritage and Business?” in the book Knowledge Creation and Organizational Well-Being: Leveraging Talent Management and Appreciative Intelligence by Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt. Ltd., ISBN: 978-93-84052-81-2, ISBN: 978-93-84052-81-2, 156-179 (Co-author: Anamika)
Case study “Ruchi Soya Industries Ltd”. Published in ET cases, ISBN: 978-81-931001-0-3, Page 47-55 (Co-author: B. Panda. B (2015):
Chapter published in the book titled Stochastic Programming, Theory, applications & Impacts, Nova Publishing, USA, ISBN 9781536109405, E-Book: ISBN 9781536109511, pp. 91-106.
“Competitive Advantage for Sustainable Banking: Case of SBI and ICICI Bank Sustaining Competitive in Service Sector” in the book Sustaining Competitive in Service Sector, Published by SOAU Press. ISBN-978-81-930417-1-0.
Editorial Positions & Reviewers
Reviewer, Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research
Conferences and Seminar Presentations
Paper titled “Metaverse in Banking and Finance: A bibliometric analysis with Systematic Literature Review” in the International Conference on Managerial Excellence & Sustainable Growth: IT & Operational Issues (ICMESG’24) held on 17. 02. 2024 at Organized by BIITM, Bhubaneswar in association with ORSI.
Paper titled “Sustainability of PPP mode of operations in Solid Waste Management in Municipal Corporations” presented in SIOM’s International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Symbiosis International Deemed University, Pune on 17.01.2021
Paper titled “Certainty and Resilience of Online Education in the Uncertain Times through SERVQUAL Method and Service Triangle” in the Online Management Conference organized by Indian Institute of Management Bodh Gaya on “Post COVID Management Strategies: Recovery, Resilience and Adaptation” from April 23-24, 2021.
Paper titled “IT framework for Statutory Compliances of Smart City E-governance” in the International Conference on Global Digital Economy-Management Challenges and Opportunities” organized by Birla School of Management of Birla Global University, India, and Ljubljana University, Slovenia on 15-16 April 2021
Paper titled “A study on Impact of Perceived Risk of Entrepreneur on Perceived and Actual Return, an exploratory study” in the 4th Finance Seminar, on Business and Inclusive growth in contemporary time on 2-3 July 2021 organized by Symbiosis School of Banking and Finance, Symbiosis International (Deemed University)
Paper titled ‘The Dilemma of a Nursing Home to Ensure Financial Sustainability” in the 11th ICMC 2021 December 3-5 2021, Organized by BIMTECH Campus, Greater Noida, New Delhi, India
Paper titled “Municipality Solid Waste Management: An understanding of PPP during COVID19 with Special reference to selected cities in India” in the 6th GBE Conference, organized by IMI Bhubaneswar on 11-12 December 2020
Paper titled “Sandwich strategy: a value Creator in Multiple Industries” in the International Conference on Global Trends in Business practices and management Education” Organized by Birla School of Management, Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar, on 24-25 January 2020.
Paper titled “Idiosyncratic Deals and High performers” organization commitment: A Study of Indian Logistic Sector” in the International Conference on Global Trends in Business practices and management Education” Organized by Birla School of Management, Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar, on 24-25 January 2020.
Paper titled “Block Chain Technology: A Radical stimulator for Business Transformation and Information System” in the International Conference on Global Trends in Business practices and management Education” Organized by Birla School of Management, Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar, on 24-25 January 2020.
Paper titled “Attitude and Behavioural Intention of Health Professionals in adopting Latest Technologies ” in the International Conference on Global Trends in Business practices and management Education” Organized by Birla School of Management, Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar, on 24-25 January 2020
Paper titled “An Industrial IoT based Integrated ERP-PLM System for Indian MSME Industry” on 13th Annual ISDSI Conference 2019, Managing Industry Transformation in Post-Digital Era Organized by IIM Sambalpur, on 27-30 December 2019.
Paper titled “Uniform Pricing-an opportunity creator in the Pharmaceutical Industry” on 13th Annual ISDSI Conference 2019, Managing Industry Transformation in Post-Digital Era Organized by IIM Sambalpur, on 27-30 December 2019.
.Paper titled “Price Right” is Prized tool to the Industry in the National Seminar on Indian Financial System: Strategic Issues, Challenges and Opportunities Organized by Birla School of Commerce, Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar, on 18 October 2019
Paper titled Issues, Challenges and Opportunities for HR in Public sector Banks in India in the National Seminar on Indian Financial System: Strategic Issues, Challenges and Opportunities Organized by Birla School of Commerce, Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar, on 18 October 2019
Paper titled Impact of E-commerce in Global Marketing in the International Conference Issues and Challenges of Business in Emerging Economy organized by Birla School of Management, Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar, on 11-12 January 2019 in collaboration with University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Europe.
Paper titled Consumer Preference towards Odisha Handicrafts in the International Conference Issues and Challenges of Business in Emerging Economy organized by Birla School of Management, Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar, on 11-12 January 2019 in collaboration with University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Europe.
Paper titled Impact of HR Analytics on employee performance appraisal: An empirical study in the International Conference Issues and Challenges of Business in Emerging Economy organized by Birla School of Management, Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar, on 11-12 January 2019 in collaboration with University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Europe.
Paper titled Creating an organisational culture of sustainability is an important part of CSR: Review from the Indian context in the International Conference Issues and Challenges of Business in Emerging Economy organized by Birla School of Management, Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar, on 11-12 January 2019 in collaboration with University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Europe.
Paper titled Prospect of Indo-China Trade in the Two Day National Seminar on Indian economy: Emerging Issues and Challenges for Sustainable Development organized by Department of Economics, Birla School of Social Science and Humanities, Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar, on 23-24 November 2018.
Paper titled Environmental Management System(EMS) for Managing Organizational Risk in National Seminar on Operational Competitiveness in service and Manufacturing Sector in 21st Century organized by Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar, on 24 February 2018
Paper titled Rural Tourism through Handicrafts of Odisha in the national conference on Contemporary Issues in Management Research & Managerial Decision Making organized by Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar, on 06 January 2018
Paper titled A Critical Analysis of Non-Performing Assets of Selected Commercial Banks in India the state level seminar on Public Sector Banks at Crossroads and the Way Forward organized by Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar, on 14 October 2017
Paper in Knowledge Management and Secure Work Environment: A Case of Information Technology Based Organizations in the International Conference on Gender and Management: Issues & Challenges, jointly Organized by BIMTECH, Bhubaneswar, and Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE), Hyderabad on 5-6, January 2017 in collaboration with University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Paper in Impact of Gender on Consumer Behaviour in Retail in the International Conference on Gender and Management: Issues & Challenges, jointly Organized by BIMTECH, Bhubaneswar on 5-6, January 2017 in collaboration with University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Case titled “Community Based Entrepreneurship – Predicament of Heritage and Business?” presented in International Conference on Management Cases 2016 (ICMC) on December 1 & 2, 2016, Organized by BIMTECH Campus, Greater Noida, India
Paper titled “Solar Energy & Strategic Entrepreneurship: Route to Sustainable Development in Odisha” in the National Conference on “Make in India: Opportunities and Challenges for Managers” Organized by BIMTECH, Bhubaneswar on 15-16 July 2016
Invited Lectures
Resource person for Induction Training of the Odisha Finance Service & Odisha Taxation & Accounts Service Probationers on Introductions to Quantitative Techniques by Madhusudan Das Regional Academy of Financial Management, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
Resource person in one-week FDP on Applied Financial Econometrics for Research from 24-30 January 2022
Resource person for the Certificate Course in Applied Data Analytics
Invited as Track chair on the topic Mathematical Finance in the 4th Finance Seminar, on Business and Inclusive growth in contemporary time on 2-3 July organized by Symbiosis School of Banking and Finance, Symbiosis International Deemed University.
Resource person in Five-day Research Scholar’s Week on 5-9, April 2021 on online mode, organized by BSoM, BGU, Bhubaneswar
Resource person in the National Workshop on Research Methodology for Research Scholars in Social Sciences on 8 – 13 May 2017 at BIMTECH Bhubaneswar
Resource person in the National Workshop on Research Methodology for Research Scholars in Social Sciences on 16 – 21 August 2016 at BIMTECH Bhubaneswar.
Resource person in the ICSSR sponsored National Workshop on Research Methodology on 4 – 8 April 2016 at BIMTECH Bhubaneswar.
Invited Lecture on “Queuing theory and its applications in Management Science” at Institute of Management & Information Sciences (IMIS) Bhubaneswar December 2011
Invited Lecture on “Marketing Research and Advertising Research” at IIPM Bhubaneswar, November 2011
Organized MDP on “Effective Selling Skills and Customer Relationship Management” for Marketing Executives of Postal Department at RCM Bhubaneswar on 17th & 18th September 2011.
FDP & Workshops
Attended an FDP of six months’ duration (30 January 2022 to 10 July 2022) on Introduction to Research Methods conducted by BIMTECH Noida. The resource person for the programme is Dr Sunil Mithas, Professor, MUMA College of Business, University of south Florida
8th AIM-AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium & Conference, Innovating Customer Experiences in Digital Age at BIMTECH Campus, Greater Noida, India, held on 03-06 January 2020
FDP on Outcome-Based Learning and Case Writing held on 07-09 December 2019, at Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar
Eastern Regional training Programme on Plagiarism Detection Software under the aegis of MHRD jointly organised by IIM Calcutta and INFLIBNET Centre on 21 August 2019, at IIM Calcutta
FDP on Machine Learning with Business Applications held on 20-25 May 2019, at IIM Bangalore
Capacity Building Workshop for Content Developers on Blended Learning held on 26-27 December 2018 organized by Odisha State Open University supported by Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia.
5th Edition of Manufacturing Today Reinventing the future held on 28 August 2018 organized by ITP Media Group (India) at Mayfair, Bhubaneswar.
Faculty Development Programme on Developing Collaborative Proposal held on 30 April-1 May 2018 organized by Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar
AICTE Sponsored Faculty Development Programme on Multivariate Data Analysis for Advanced Research held on 3-16 December 2017 at International Management Institute, Bhubaneswar
Workshop on Case Pedagogy as Learning Tool held on 24-25 November 2017 at Xavier University, Bhubaneswar
AICTE Sponsored Faculty Development Programme on Multivariate Data Analysis for Advanced Research held on 3-16 December 2017 at International Management Institute, Bhubaneswar
Workshop on Case Pedagogy as Learning Tool held on 24-25 November 2017 at Xavier University, Bhubaneswar
Summit on At the Manufacturing Today Reinventing the future held on 19 September 2017 organized by ITP Media Group(India)
Workshop on Content Analysis organized by BIMTECH Campus, Greater Noida, India on January 27-28, 2017
Workshop on Structural Equation Modelling organized by BIMTECH Bhubaneswar, on 24 November 2016.
Stochastic Modelling & Experimental Design on 30th March 2012 organized by PG Department of Statistics, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar.
Workshop on Research Methodology from 17th – 20th March 2012 organized by DDCE in association with Academic Staff College of Utkal University, Bhubaneswar.
99th Indian Science Congress held at KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, from 3rd January to 7th January 2012.
23rd AIMS Annual Management Education convention 2011 from 25th August to 27th August 2011, organized by RCMA, BBSSR in association with AIMS.
Faculty Development Program on Higher Education in India: Challenges & Issues on 11th May 2011, organized by Everon’s IIPS, Cuttack Campus.
National Conference on Leveraging HR for Global Competitiveness on 23rd April 2011, organized by ISTD in association with Regional College of Management & AIMS.
Faculty Development Program on Effective Classroom Teaching and Challenges to Contemporary Education System on 4th July 2010, organized by Everon’s IIPS, Cuttack Campus.
EDUNXT Level-1 Certificate on April 2010, organized by Sikkim Manipal University.
International Workshop on Advanced Statistical and Computational Methodologies from 28 – 31 January 2009 organized by Department of Statistics, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati.
Faculty Development Workshop on “Online Examination System” on 14th May 2007, organized by ICFAI ZO Kolkata.
Faculty Development Workshop on Operation Workouts and Live Projects on 12th February 2007 conducted by ICFAI at Kolkata, Regional Centre, organized by ICFAI University.
Faculty Development Program in February’ 2006 conducted by ICFAI at Kolkata, Regional Centre, organized by ICFAI University.
Faculty Development Program in May 2006 conducted by ICFAI (HQ) at Hyderabad, organized by ICFAI University.
3rd Annual Conference on 4-5 February 2006, conducted by Orissa Mathematical Society in association with Department of Statistics, Sambalpur University.
Trainers’ Training on AIDS Awareness under Universities Talk AIDS- Phase-II at OUAT Bhubaneswar from 7th – 9th September 2001, organized by the Government of India, Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports.
Zonal Trainers’ Training Workshop on Universities Talk Aids- Phase-II at Kotagiri, Tamilnadu, from 29th – 31st May 2001, organized by the Government of India, Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports.
Refresher Course of the NSS at IIT Kharagpur from 23rd – 27th September 2001, organized by the Government of India, Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports.
Orientation Course of the NSS at Ramakrishna Mission Lokasikha Parishad from 11th – 20th September, 1998, organized by Government of India, Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports.
XVIII Annual Conference of Indian Society for Probability & Statistics and National Seminar on Probability and Analysis, on 27th – 30th January, 1998, organized by Department of Statistics, Sambalpur University.
Conference on Decision-making models & their applications on 20th -21st December 1997, organized by Department of Statistics, Utkal University.
Doctoral Supervision
The Scholar Biswa Prakash Jena awarded Ph.D. in Management under Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar in the title “Influence of job crafting and Developmental idiosyncratic deals on job content plateau and career commitment of Indian executives.” In 2024
The Scholar Chittaranjan Moharana awarded Ph.D. in Management under Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, Odisha in the title “Information and Security Management Effectiveness: An Empirical Analysis of Selected Organizations in Odisha” in 2018
The Scholar Dhananjaya Sarangi has submitted his draft thesis in the title “Role of Emerging ICT Solutions for Smart City Community Development in India”.
The Scholar Saroj Kanta Jena has registered for in the title “Evolving mobile technologies and its adoption behaviour among Indian customers: An AI based classification study”.
Members of Professional Bodies
Indian Science Congress Association, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research