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Dr. Parameswar Nayak

Designation: Dean, Birla School of Management
Extn: 201
Area: HR & OB

Brief Profile

Dr. Nayak is an ardent Professor in Human Resource Management, an academic administrator, a corporate trainer, and a management consultant. He has about 34 years of work experience in teaching (in India and overseas), academic administration, training, research, and consultancy, including about 20 years in leadership positions such as Director, BIMTECH, Bhubaneswar, Director-Academic, Amity Business School, Amity University, Noida, Dean, KIIT School of Management, KIIT University, Director, ITS Institute of Management, Greater Noida, besides his services at Delhi University, XIMB, BIMTECH, Greater Noida, BCT-IIHMR, Jaipur and NISWASS, Bhubaneswar. He is a trained trainer with training received from IIM, Indore, XIMB, IIPA. ISHA and UNICEF. He has conducted over 350 training and MDPs for executives of more than 40 public and private companies such as NTPC, NSPCL, NLC, NHPC, JSPL(in India and Oman), JPL, IFFCO, NBCC, NIPM, RSP(SAIL), Reserve Bank of India, THDC, PowerGrid, GAIL, SJVN, SMS India, FCIL, HZL, Prashar Bharati, ROTI(Govt. of Odisha), UCO Bank, Allahabad Bank, Eastern Bank of Bangladesh, NEM Engineering Projects Pvt Ltd, UNICEF, and the Indian Red Cross and more than 50 NGOs. He has worked as the Project Director of DFID funded Social Safety Net Project of the Public Sector Reform Programme of Odisha as well as Programme Director of ‘Counselling, Retraining & Redeployment of Rationalized Employees of Central PSUs for the Nodal Centre for Odisha & Chhattisgarh while working with KIIT. He was instrumental in establishing two rural hospitals, one in Churu, Rajasthan and another in Darigbadi, Odisha. He has completed 23 Consultancy research projects with funding from DFID, USAID, UNDP, UNICEF, CRS, and Govt. of India. He has traveled widely in Europe, America, Africa, and Southeast Asia and delivered keynotes in conferences and guest lectures in many universities. He has received the National HR Excellence Award of NIPM in 2018 and ‘Elmina- The Luke Award of the Delhi School of Social Work Society of Delhi University in1989 and a doctoral fellowship from ICSSR, and UGC’s Junior Research Fellowship with NET qualification. He has been awarded for Best Research paper presentation at the Said Business School, University of Oxford. He has published three books, and 37 research papers and book chapters in Scopus indexed and other peer-reviewed journals and books besides his doctoral guidance. He is a life member of more than dozens of professional bodies such as ISTD, NIPM and ISTE. He was a member of Knowledge Committee of PHD Chamber of Commerce, New Delhi, ISTD’s Testing & Certification Committee and Executive Committee (Academic Council) of NHRDN, Bhubaneswar Chapter.

He has organized 14 International and National Conferences as Conference Chair. He has been invited as the Guest Editor of the special Volumes of the SCOPUS indexed Journal “Theory & Practice” twice (in 2018 and 2021). His areas of research and consultancy include Learning Styles, Leadership, Women in Corporate, Work-Life Balance, Competency Mapping, Performance Management, Organizational Reform, Stress Management, Skill Development, and Employability of Youths.

He is an alumnus of University of Delhi, India. He is a Post-graduate and Ph.D. in Personnel Management & Industrial Relations and MSW with specialization in Labour Welfare & HR.

  • Educational Qualifications
    • Ph.D. in Personnel Management & Industrial Relations, Utkal University (1999)
    • P.G. Diploma in Industrial Relation & Personnel Management from Rajendra Prasad Institute of Communication & Management, Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, Mumbai (1991)
    • MSW (Specialization In Labor Welfare & HR, University of Delhi (1989)
    • BA (Sociology Honours), Ravenshaw College, Utkal University-  6th Rank in the Honours Group in the University,1986
    • Intermediate and-First rank in the College (1984)
    • Matriculation- 3rd rank in the School (1982)
  • Fellowships & Scholarships
    • ICSSR Doctoral Fellowship (1995-1999)
    • UGC’s National Eligibility Test(NET) for Lectureship and Junior Research Fellowship (1989)
    • DYEA Scholarship of Delhi University (1987-89)
    • National Rural Talent Scholarship (1978-1982)
    • Merit Scholarship (1978-1984)
  • Training Received
    More than 30 Training and Faculty Development Programmes on several topics such as Pedagogy in Management (IIM, Indore), TOT (XIMB & UNICEF), NLP(XIMB), CAPSTONE Business Simulation(BIMTECH), Economic Analysis in Disaster Management(IIPA, New Delhi) OD & OR, Project Management, Health Management, etc. from IIHMR, Jaipur, and ISHA, Bangalore.
  • Work Experience: 33 Years

    a) Regular Employment: 33 years- 31 years in Academics(including 21 Years as Professor) and 2 years in Corporate

    BIMTECH, Greater Noida – Birla Global University(BGU), Bhubaneswar, India (in continuation of Service with BIMTECH, Bhubaneswar and on lien with BIMTECH, Greater Noida)-Since October 14, 2011

    • Professor (OB & HR) & Academic Head of HR & OB Area and Chairperson, Centre for Management Development & Consultancy, Birla Institute of Management Technology(BIMTECH), Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh | October 14, 2011- November 5, 2015
    • Director & Professor (OB & HR), Birla Institute of Management Technology (BIMTECH), Bhubaneswar, Odisha | November 6, 2015- February 28, 2019 (on lien with BIMTECH, Greater Noida)
    • Dean & Professor (OB & HR), Birla School of Management & Dean-in-Charge, Birla School of Social Sciences & Humanities, BGU- March 1, 2019 onward.

    I.T.S –Institute of Management, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh | February 2, 2010- September 30, 2011

    • Director & Professor

    KIIT School of Management, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha | July 2, 2007- February 1, 2010

    • Dean & Professor(OB & HR)

    Business School, Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh | September 15, 2004- June 23, 2007

    • Director (Academic) & Professor (OB & HR), Amity Business School, Noida
    • Director & Professor (OB & HR), Amity Business School, Bhubaneswar Campus

    KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha | February 1, 2000 – September 14, 2004

    • Professor(HR) & Project Director, SSNP (DFID Supported PSU Reform Project of Govt. of Odisha)

    Xavier Institute Of Management, Bhubaneswar(XIMB) | June 1, 1995 – January 31, 2000

    • Team Leader & Teaching Member-PGDRM
    • Team Leader -Research & Training, CENDERET
    • Program Manager, Institutional Development, CENDERET

    Institute of Social Work & Social Sciences, Bhubaneswar | October 7, 1991 – May 31, 1995

    • Lecturer & Dy. Director(Project Planning) & Project Director of USAID supported Health Project (establishing & managing a Hospital)

    Bhoruka Charitable Trust (a trust of TCI –Bhoruka Group of Companies), IIHMR, Jaipur | March 26, 1990 – October 11991

    • Coordinator (Projects)

    Delhi School of Social Work, Delhi University, New Delhi | July 1, 1989 – March 23, 1990

    • Research Associate (Completed a Research Project of Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)

    Visiting Assignments

    Outside India

    • Kozminski University, Warsaw, Poland – Special Lecture on ‘Creating Insightful Research: Finding Interesting Research Problems and Questions’(21.10.2019)
    • University of Ljubljana, Slovenia – Special Lecture on ‘Values, Ethics & Attitudes of Millennials’ (18 October 2019)
      Special Lecture on ‘Corporate Governance, (2 November 2017)
    • Uniglobe College, Kathmandu, Nepal, Taught a 30 hours course on ‘Human Resource Management & Organizational Behavior’ to MBA(Finance) students (September-October 2015).
    • Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA), Tanzania – An institution established and run by the Government of Tanzania, Ministry of Finance.
      Taught a 40 hours course on “Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior” in their MBA program run in collaboration with Coventry University, UK (March 2013).
    • Jindal Shadeed, OmanConducting management development programs for their Senior Executives on “Team Building” (17 – 24 January 2015)
    • University of Central Florida, Institute of Simulation and Training, Orlando, USA -Part of a Special Discussion Session on Management Education using Simulation Methods on 26th June 2014
    • University of Primorska, Slovenia, Europe, Invited as a Keynote Speaker to deliver a Special Lecture on Human Resource Development for Public Health Management” at an International Conference on Public Health in the 21st Century held on 15-16 September 2011.

    In India:

    • Lectures on CSR & Corporate Governance at the Management Development programs, Management Development Institute(MDI), Gurgaon
    • Taught OB,HRM and Rural Management Courses at:
      • Utkal University, Bhubaneswar
      • BJB (Autonomous) College, Bhubaneswar
      • Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar
      • IBAT, Bhubaneswar
      • IGNOU, Bhubaneswar Centre
      • Amity School of Distance Learning, Noida
      • IIPM, Bhubaneswar

    Courses taught at Post-graduate Level(MBA, PGDM and MSW):

    Human Resource Management, Strategic Human Resource Management, Leadership, Training & Development, Performance Management, Organizational Behaviour, Organization Structure and Design, Industrial Relations, Principles of Management, Social Policy, Basic Managerial Skills, Casework, Groupwork and Community Organization, and Project Management

  • Doctoral Research Guidance

    Doctoral Degree Awarded

    Ph. D. Degree awarded to the following scholars guided by Dr. P Nayak:

    • Ms. Priyadarsini Patnaik, Birla Global University, India. Topic: Impact of AI-driven Product Recommender System on Online Apparel Purchase Intentions
    • Arun Kumar Rath, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, India. Topic: Towards Better Corporate Governance– Contributions of Independent Directors to Board Functions in Navaratna PSUs.
    • Archana Choudary, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, India. Topic: Turnaround Management in Rourkela Steel Plant- An HR perspective.
    • Tresphory Othumary Mgeni (from Tanzania), Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur.Topic:Impact of Different Leadership Styles of CEOs on Business Performance of Agribusiness SMEs in Dar es salaam, Tanzania.
    • Abhijit Lele, awarded Fellow Programme in Management(AICTE approved FPM) from BIMTECH, Greater Noida Topic:Learning Styles of Knowledge Workers in IT Companies in India: with special focus on IT Companies located in NCR.
    • Neeti, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur. Topic: Work-Life Balance of Faculty Members of Business Schools in NCR –Delhi

    Doctoral Research in Progress under the guidance of Dr. P Nayak:

    • Magnolia Sahu, Birla School of Management, Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar, India. Topic: Effects of Leadership Styles of Owners on Organizational Innovativeness of Small and Medium Enterprises in Odisha.
    • Charles Abel Kadikilo(fromInstitute of Finance Management, Tanzania), Birla School of Management, Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar, India. Topic: Research Promotion in Tanzania Higher Learning Institutions. (Co-guide-Prof. A. Sahay, Dean Research, BIMTECH, Greater Noida)
    • Ipsita Dash, Birla School of Management, Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar, India. Topic: Entrepreneurial Intention, Attitude and Emotional Intelligence of Post Graduate Students of Management in Odisha
    • Volety Naga Sreedhar, Birla School of Management, Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar, India. Topic: A Study on Inter Role Conflict and Wellbeing among Earning Couples in Kolkata
    • Priyadarshini Pattnaik, Birla School of Management, Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar, India. Topic: Customers’ Purchase Intention Towards Online Apparel Industry: The Mediating Effects of Digital Product Recommender.( Co-guide- Dr. Siddharth Mishra, Assistant Professor, BGU, Bhubaneswar)
    • Anjan Kumar Sahoo, Birla School of Management, Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar, Topic: Behavivoral Intention Towards Adaptation of Digital Health Consolation in India-A user’s perspective study.
    • Anup Kumar Mishra, Birla School of Management, Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar, Topic:Manpower Training & Development for Employee Performance Enhancement in National Health Mission, Odisha
    • Goutam Das, Birla School of Management, Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar, India. Topic: Corporate Governance in Central Public Sector Enterprises of India.

    International Research Guidance

    Guided four international interns under UNICEF-KCCI Internship Program 2009 to conduct a Case study on “Strengthening the capacity of the government and the flagship programs related to children in Orissa in planning & monitoring by establishing planning & monitoring (P&M) units”(June–August 2009)

    AICTE sponsored Research

    A Research Project titled “Effectiveness of Women in Managerial Roles in Corporate Sector in India” Under Research Promotion Scheme (RPS), AICTE, New Delhi- as Principal Investigator from 14 August 2013 to 31 March 2017 (Grant in aid-Rs. 1,17,647/-)

  • Consultancy Research Projects
    As Chief Investigator, Team Leader, institutional consultant, and Chief Consultant, I have completed the following research projects with funding support from various international, national, and government agencies while working with the University of Delhi, Department of Social Work, Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar, KIIT, Bhubaneswar, NISWASS, Bhubaneswar and BIMTECH, Greater Noida. The total amount of grant for the assignments is about INR 4 Crores.

    • A Research Project titled “Monitoring and Evaluation of Creches in Delhi”, sponsored by the Department of Women and Child Welfare, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India- As Research Associate & Project Officer, Department of Social Work, University of Delhi (20.7.1989-23.3.1990).
    • Baseline Survey On Socio-Economic and Health Condition of Tribal and Scheduled Caste People of Daringbadi, Orissa- a study supported by USAID-Project Director, NISWASS (1992).
    • Socio-Economic Assessment of Power Sector Reform In Orissa, supported by ODA, British High Commission( now DFID)-As Team Leader, XIMB(1996-1997).
    • Beneficiary Assessment-Baseline, Process and Impact Study: Bhubaneswar Electrical Improvement Needful Action(BEINA) Project commissioned by DFID, British High Commission, New Delhi–As Team Leader, XIMB(1997-2000).
    • Pilot Staff Profile Survey of Redundant Employees of Orissa State Public Sector Enterprises sponsored by DFID through Government of Orissa- As Project Director, KIIT, Bhubaneswar(2000)
    • Impact Assessment of Redeployment of Redundant Employees of Orissa State Public Enterprises, sponsored by Adam Smith Institute, London(Through their Orissa Office) –As Chief Consultant, ETCPL(2002-2003)
    • Evaluation of Reproductive Child Health Programme implemented by My–Heart, a Mother NGO working for the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India( World Bank Supported Programme)- As Chief Consultant, ETCPL(2004)
    • Drought Appraisal in Orissa, sponsored by Catholic Relief Services(CRS), Orissa- As Chief Consultant, ETCPL (2004)
    • Needs Assessment Study on Communities in Dhenkanal and Jajpur Districts for Interact Worldwide, London supported project on “Community Empowerment and Advocacy for Sustainable Health Care  for People in Extreme Need in Orissa”- As Chief Consultant, ETCPL (2004-05)
    • Impact Assessment of UNDP-Govt. of India Assisted Food Security Programme implemented in  7 districts of Orissa, a project of IMAGE, Bhubaneswar-worked as the Chief Investigator of the study team (in the capacity of a consultant to APICOL, Bhubaneswar( 2004-05).
    • Needs Assessment Study on Panchayati Raj Institutions in Dhenkanal and Jajpur Districts of Odisha for Interact Worldwide, London supported project on  “Community Empowerment and Advocacy for Sustainable Health Care  for People in Extreme Need in Orissa”- As Chief Consultant, ETCPL (2004-05)
    • Mid-term Evaluation of Mother NGO Scheme under National Rural Health Mission(NRHM)-One Mother NGO and 7 Field NGOs in Sambalpur & Bargarh districts of Orissa- As Chief Consultant, ETCPL (2008-2009).
    • A Baseline Survey and Impact Study of the training programme on AI and Coding conducted by Q- Rangers in a School and a College in Bhubaneswar sponsored by QA Education Solutions Private Limited (2022-23)
  • Consultancy Project Experience
    As the Chief Consultant/Team Leader/Institutional Consultant, the following consultancy assignments were undertaken while working with BIMTECH, Greater Noida/Bhubaneswar, Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar, KIIT, Bhubaneswar, NISWASS, Bhubaneswar and Bhoruka Charitable Trust, IIHMR, Jaipur. The total amount of grants for these assignments is about INR 9 Crores.

    • Competency Assessment and Individual Development Plan(IDP) for 24 Senior Executives(E6 & E7) in NTPC, Sipat –As Project Coordinator and as Assessor (13 -15 February 2018; BIMTECH).
    • Competency Assessment and Individual Development Plan(IDP) for 26 Senior Executives(E6 & E7) in NTPC, Korba –As Project Coordinator and as Assessor (12th to 14th 2017; BIMTECH).
    • Conducted Assessment Development Centre for executives of NHPC, Faridabad(17-18 October 2016; BIMTECH)
    • Re-assessment of Competencies and IDPs for 20 out of 72 Senior Executives(E6 & E7) in NTPC-SAIL Power Company Private Ltd (NSPCL)  whose competency mapping was done in the year 2013–As Project Coordinator and as Assessor (March  2016; BIMTECH).
    • Competency Mapping and Individual Development Plan(IDP) for 72 Senior Executives(E6 & E7) in NTPC-SAIL Power Company Private Ltd (NSPCL) –As Project Coordinator and as Assessor (November 2013-April 2014; BIMTECH).
    • Orissa Public Enterprise Reform Project of Govt. of Orissa with the funding support of DFID, UK: As Project Director of Social Safety Net Program (SSNP) for conducting a baseline employee survey, identifying training needs, providing counseling, retraining, and redeployment services to over 10,000 redundant employees of state PSUs) in Odisha (2000-2004; KIIT/ KIIT University).
    • Counseling, Retraining and Redeployment Scheme, Government of India, Department of Public Enterprises- As Project Director of the Nodal Agency for Orissa, Madhya Pradesh and Jharkhand covering over 3000 rationalized employees of 8 Central PSUs(2002-2004; KIIT University).
    • Sustainable Rural Health Project for Establishing and Managing a Rural Hospital in Darigbadi of Fulbani District of Orissa supported by USAID & Govt. of India -As Project Director (1991-1995; NISWASS).
    • Sustainable Rural Health Project for Establishing and Managing a Rural Hospital in Churu District of Rajasthan supported by USAID & Govt. of India -As Project Director (1990-1991; Bhoruka Charitable Trust).
    • Pre-funding Appraisal, Program Evaluation of 8 Projects supported by CAPART, Government of India( 1990-2009; Bhoruka Charitable Trust, NISWASS and KIIT, Bhubaneswar).
    • Facilitation of Annual Reviews/Workshops, Organizational Renewal(OR)/Organization Development(OD)-services provided to more than 2 dozen NGOs, National & International organizations such as UNICEF/UNDP-Govt. of India supported Programs, USAID, DFID, CRS, Interact Worldwide, German Red Cross, KFW & Indian Red Cross Society in Orissa
  • MDPs/FDP/Training Conducted
      Conducted over 350 training/Management Development Programmes(MDPs) as Programme Director and/or Trainer on several topics of HR & OB for senior and middle-level corporate executives of NTPC, RBI, NSPCL, NLC, NHPC, JSPL, JPL, IFFCO, NBCC, NIPM, RSP(SAIL), THDC, PowerGrid, GAIL, SJVN, FCIL, HZL, Reserve Bank of India, SMS India, Prashar Bharati, Eastern Bank of Bangladesh, Uco Bank, Allahabad Bank, NEM Engineering Projects Pvt. Ltd, ROTI(Govt. of Odisha), UNICEF, Indian Red Cross, and several NGOs. He has conducted Team building workshops for Senior executives of Jindal Shadeed, OMAN. He has conducted several training programs for the VRS Employees (Both Senior and Junior level Managers) of Rourkela Steel Plant, Fertilizer Corporation of India, Konark TV, OSRTC, OTM, Oil Orissa, and other state PSUs of Odisha covered under PSU Reform Program supported by DFID for their re-skilling for redeployment after a premature retirement, for the District Youth Officers of CAPART, Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. Of India, and Medical Officers from Govt. of Odisha Health Dept. ( UNICEF supported). He has also conducted sessions in a dozen Faculty Development Program (FDPs) for management faculty.
  • Networking & Collaboration
    • Instrumental in establishing international collaborations and signing of MoUs between Birla Global University and four foreign universities and top-ranking B-School, namely ESSCA School of Management, France, Ljubljana University, Slovenia, Kozminski University, Warsaw, Poland, and Multimedia University, Malaysia for students and faculty exchange programs. Previously, the same kind of contribution was made in the signing of MoUs between Primorska University, Slovenia, and ITS Institute of Management, Greater Noida besides several collaboration mechanisms with universities, institutes, and business organizations in the previous employment.
    • A strong networking relationship was built with a good number of distinguished people in academics and industry.
  • International and National Conferences organized
    As Conference Chair of 7 International Conferences and 32 National Conferences. Some of the important international and national conferences are:

    • International Conference on “Economic Equity in Post Pandemic World” in collaboration with City University of New York, USA(14 20-15 October 2022).
    • International Conference on “Global Digital Economy: Managing Challenges and Opportunities” in collaboration with University of Ljubljana, SloveniaOnline(15-16 April 2021).
    • International Conference on “Reviving Global Economy in New Normal”- Online (26-27 February 2021).
    • International Conference on “Global Trends in Business Practices and Management Education” University of Ljubljana, Slovenia at Hotel The Crown, Bhubaneswar(25-26 January 2020).
    • International Conference on “Issues and Challenges of Business in Emerging Economy” University of Ljubljana, Slovenia at Hotel Mayfair, Bhubaneswar, India(11-12 January 2019).
    • International Conference on ‘Gender and Management: Issues and Challenges’ at Hotel Mayfair, Bhubaneswar, India(January 5-6, 2017).
    • International Conference on ‘Globalizing Management Education: Issues and Challenges for Industry and Academia’ at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, India(5-6 February 2011).
    • National Conference on “Innovative HR Practices in the New Age Organizations”-Online(25 November 2020).
  • Participation and Scholarly Presentation in Conferences and TV Programmes

    Participated in 80 Conferences (57 National and 23 International) and made scholarly presentations. Details of the conferences organized and attended by Dr. Nayak are given in Annexure -1(not attached herewith; but will be available on-demand). During the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Nayak has successfully conducted many Webinars as the organizer/ panelist/moderator. One of the webinars conducted by him as the only resource person was on the topic:

    ‘Managing Stress of Millennials in COVID 19 Pandemic Situation’ on 30 April 2020 from 4.30 PM to 5.30 PM. 241 people had registered and 124 attended the webinar.

    Invited as keynote speaker/speaker/session chair/panelist/ guest of honor etc. to the following few important International and National Conferences during the last 10 years:

    • Invited as one of the three key international Guest Speakers at the International Scientific Conference on “Corporate Social Responsibility in Green and Digital Transition: Legal and Sustainability Issues” organized by ZRS, Koper -The Science and Research Centre of the Republic of Slovenia held on 26 Sept 2023 in Koper, Slovenia,EU. I presented my research paper on “Indian Legislation and Experiences of CSR”
    • Chair a session on “HR Leadership” of the Conclave on “Moving Towards the Next Gen HR” organized by the Associated Chamber of Commerce & Industry of India (ASSOCHAM) on 18 January 2023 at Hotel New Marrion, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
    • Chair-cum-Moderator of a panel discussion on the topic “Integrating Spiritual Learnings for Agility and Adaptability of Millennials in Organizations – Learning from Indian Scriptures” at the one-day conference on ‘Addressing Leadership Challenges in Contemporary Management based on Indian Scriptures’ organized by Vivekananda Kendra, AICYAM, Bhubaneswar on 15 January 2023.
    • Invited by as the guest delegate to attend the 12th Indian Management Conclave 2022 held at IIM Kozhikode campus on December 9-10, 2022.
    • Invited by the Principal Secretary (Finance), Govt. of Odisha as guest to attend a special session at Make in Odisha Conclave – 2022 on Business Leadership Talk on “Emerging Solutions For Financing Industries and Infrastructure” on 1 December 2022.
    • Received the best paper award for a co-authored research paper with Mr. V N Sreedhar, titled “Perspective Study on Identification of High-Impact Processes for Advancing Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) in Indian Organizations” which was presented at the International Conference on “Contemporary Issues in Sustainable Business Excellence 2022 (ICCISBE 2022)’ organized by Techo India University during 28-30 November 2022.
    • Received Certificate on completion of a 30-hour online Research workshop on ” Introduction to Research Methods” delivered by Dr. Sunil Mithas, World Class Scholar and Professor, University of South Florida, Muma College of Business, USA, and organized by BIMTECH during January-July 2022.
    • Speaker at the ISTDEastern Regional Conference on “Innovations for Decoding Future of Human Resources” held on 15th & 16th April, 2022 and deliberated on the sub-theme “People Strategy in VUCA World” on 15 April 2022.
    • Presented a research paper( co-authored with V.N. Sreedhar) titled “A Qualitative Study On Usage Of Artificial Intelligence (AI) In Human Resource Departments Of Top & MID Sized IT Companies” at an International Conference on Changing Business Paradigm (ICCBP-2022) organized by MDI- Murshidabad on January 21-23, 2022 in virtual mode.
    • Co-chaired the Session-V on ‘Sustainable Business’ at the International Conference on Management Cases(ICMC) 2021 organized by Birla Institute of Management Technology (BIMTECH), Greater Noida, India in collaboration with the University of Eastern Finland and University of South Florida on 5 December, 2021.
    • Presented a research paper on ‘Students Experience of Online Education during Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case of Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar, India’ at the Session-IV of ICMC 2021 on 5 December, 2021.
    • Speaker at the Technical Session-II on “New Age Innovation & Technology” to speak on “ Innovative Teaching-Learning Practices & Mental Health of College Students in India during COVID-19 Pandemic” and chaired the Technical Session-III: “Developing a Hybrid Work Environment” the Technical Session-II and session chair of the Technical Session-III of the International Conference on “Global Digital Economy: Managing Challenges and Opportunities” organized (Online) by BGU and  Ljubljana University, Slovenia, Europe (15-16 April 2021).
    • Chaired the Technical Session-II on “New Approaches in Business Environment” at the International Conference on “Reviving Global Economy in New Normal” organized (online) by BGU, Bhubaneswar (26-27 February 2021.
    • Panelist for the Panel discussion session of an International Virtual Exchange program on ‘Social Innovation’ organized by the Multimedia University (MMU), Malaysia(17 November 2020).
    • Chaired the Technical Session on “Issues & Challenges of HR in New Normal” at the National  Conference on “Innovative HR Practices in the New Age Organizations” organized by (online) BGU((25 November 2020).
    • Chaired the technical session-VI on “Sustainable Innovation and Entrepreneurship” at the International Conference on “Global Trends in Business Practices and Management Education” organized by BGU and Ljubljana University, Slovenia, Europe and presented a research paper on  ‘Use of Assessment Centre Approach for Competency Mapping of PSU Executives in India’  at the technical session VIII on HRM(25-26 January 2020 ).
    • Keynote Speaker to speak on “Importance of International Scientific Collaboration for Research” at the International Conference on” Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering(ICACIE) organized by Rama Devi Women’s University, Bhubaneswar, India ( 21-23 December 2019).
    • Keynote Speaker to speak on “ Regulatory Governance Approach for CSR and its Sustainability” at the Seminar on “Corporate Social Responsibility” organized by Odisha Professional Social Workers’ Association(OPSWA) at NALCO Auditorium, Bhubaneswar, India ( 21 December 2019).
    • Keynote speaker to speak on “Importance of International Scientific Collaboration for Research & Social Development in South and East Asia” at the International Conference on ‘Science and Future Society’, organized by Slovenian Sociological Association, in collaboration with International Sociological association, at Bled, Slovenia, Europe(17 October 2019).
    • Panelist in a Panel Discussion Session of the HR Leadership Summit 2019 of Indian Chamber of Commerce at Mayfair Convention, Bhubaneswar, India(30 August 2019).
    • Guest of Honor at Conference organized on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee Function of The Fakir Mohan College Alumni Association at F M College, Balasore, India(10 February 2019).
    • Chief Speaker at the National Seminar on “Today’s Challenges for HRM: A New Interpretation”, organized by the PG Departments of Personnel Management & Industrial Relations(PM & IR) and  Tourism & Hospitality Management(THM), BJB Autonomous College, Bhubaneswar, India(15 January 2019).
    • Chaired a Technical Session on HR at the International Conference on “ Issues and Challenges of Business in Emerging Economy” organized by BGU  and Ljubljana University, Slovenia, Europe, and presented a paper on ‘Learning Styles of Future Leaders in Indian IT Service Companies’ co-authored by Abhijeet Lele(11-12 January 2019).
    • Chaired the Technical Session at the International Seminar on “Employee Relations- Today and Tomorrow” organized by  PMIR Department, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, India(30 June – 1st July 2018).
    • Guest of Honour and a speaker at the International Conference on “Recent  Advances in Management: Challenges, Initiatives and road ahead” at Kathmandu, Nepal(March 6 & 7 2018).
    • Speaker at the International Conference on ‘Restructuring of the Global Economy at the Said Business School, University of Oxford, organized by ABRM, UK and presented a research paper titled ‘Effectiveness of Women in Managerial Roles in Corporate Sector in India: Perceptions of Their Manager Colleagues’ (9-10 July 2018).
    • Speaker at the International Conference on Assessment Centers and Talent Management in Emerging Markets: Lessons from Global Practice organized by XLRI, Jamshedpur and presented a paper on ‘Competency Mapping and Development through Assessment Centre: An Assessor’s Experience with an Indian Public Sector Company’  (9-10 December 2017).
    • Chaired a Technical Session at the International Conference on Management Cases 2017 jointly organized by Birla Institute of Management Technology (BIMTECH), Greater Noida, India, and the School of Public Policy, George Mason University, Arlington, Virginia, USA(1 Dec 2017).
    • Speaker at a technical session and chairman in another session of the International Seminar on “Strategic HRM” organized by the PMIR Department, Utkal University( 13-14 May 2017).
    • Chaired the Technical Session -III on Gender & Productivity at the International Conference on ‘Gender and Management: Issues and Challenges organized by BGU and  Ljubljana University, Slovenia, Europe and presented a paper on “Managing Faculty’s Work-Life Balance in Indian Business Schools’ co-authored by Neeti Sharma( January 5-6, 2017).
    • Speaker at the National Seminar on “Human Resource Management to Human Capital Management: A Paradigm Shift, organized by PMIR Dept. Utkal University at NALCO Auditorium, Bhubaneswar, India(14-15 May 2016).
    • Guest of Honour at the Book Release function of the Book Titled- Socio-Psychological Analysis of Social Issues, authored by Dr. Smita Mohanty held at Jayadev Bhawan, Bhubaneswar, India(13 February 2016).
    • Panelist at a  Panel Discussion of  ZENITH: Reward & Recognition Programme organized by NHRDN, Bhubaneswar Chapter at Infosys Bhubaneswar, India(29 January 2016).
    • Speaker to speak on ‘Developing High-Performance Culture in Horizon 2.0 Organizations’ at the 3rd National HRM Summit Preparing HR for Horizon 2.0 Organizations, organized by NHRDN, New Delhi (27 – 28 August 2015).
    • Keynote speaker to speak on: HRD for Public Health Management” at an International Conference at Primorska University, Slovenia (15-16 September 2011).
    • Speaker at the Inaugural Session of International Conference on ‘Globalizing Management Education: Issues and Challenges for Industry and Academia’ on 5-6 February 2011 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, India.
  • Publications

    In Journals

    • Kadikilo, Charles., Parameswar Nayak and A. Sahay (2024). Barriers to Research Productivity of Academics in Tanzania Higher Learning Institutions: The Need for Policy Interventions, Cogent Education(Scopus Indexed), 11:1, 2351285, DOI: 10.1080/2331186X.2024.2351285. Impact Factor · 1.7 (2022) 5 year IF · 2.2 (2022) CiteScore (Scopus) · Q2 CiteScore Best Quartile · 1.073 (2022) SNIP · 0.439 (2022) SJR. (link to this article:
    • Kadikilo, Charles.A., Reet.K, A. Sahay & Parameswar Nayak (accepted for publication on Oct 17, 2023). Research Promotion Strategies to Enhance Research Productivity in Tanzanian Higher Educational Institutions, Review of Education(Scopus indexed), DOI: 10.1002/rev3.3436(Article ID: REV33436)
    • Dash, I., Parameswar Nayak, Tomar, S., Firoj Alli, S., & Jain, S. (for 2024 Issue). Role of Emotional Intelligence on Entrepreneurial Intention and Entrepreneurial Attitude: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Research Agenda, Academy of Marketing Studies Journal(ABDC-B), Volume 28, Issue 1, pp 1-9, 1528-2678-28-1-125
    • Sahoo, A.K., A. Dash, Parameswar Nayak, P. (2023), “Perceived Risk and Benefits of e-health Consultation and their Influence on User’s Intention to Use”, Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management(SCOPUS indexed), Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
    • Sreedhar, Volety Naga & Parameswar Nayak(2023),“Perspective Study on Identification of High-Impact Processes for Advancing Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) in Indian Organizations”: Human Systems Management Journal(SCOPUS indexed), pp. 1-16, 2023, DOI: 10.3233/HSM-220143. The paper received the best paper award at the International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Sustainable Business Excellence 2022 (ICCISBE 2022) conducted by Techo India University during 28-30 November 2022.
    • Mrčela, Aleksandra Kanjuo and Parameswar Nayak (2022). “Global Digital Economy: On the Cusp of Greatness or Almost Checkmate for Humanity?”, TEORIJA IN PRAKSA 55, 3/2022{ SCOPUS, ESCI (Emergence Sources Citation Index)OBISS.SI/COBIB,ODKLJ}, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. tip. let 59.3 pp. 613-616, ISSN:0040-3598(Link:
    • Nayak, Parameswar (2022). “Impact of Virtual Learning on Perceived Mental Health of College Students during COVID-19 Pandemic”, TEORIJA IN PRAKSA 55, 3/2022{ SCOPUS, ESCI (Emergence Sources Citation Index),COBISS.SI/COBIB,ODKLJ}, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. tip. let 59.3 pp. 644–664, ISSN: 0040-3598(Link:
    • Volety, Naga Sreedhar and Parameswar Nayak (2022). “Work-life Balance of Private Sector Employees: A Demographic analysis”, The Orissa Journal of Commerce (A UGC-Care Listed and indexed in doi and Crossref), Volume 43, Issue 4, October-December 2022, pp 134-149, SSNL:0974-8482, (Link:
    • Patnaik, P, Parameswar Nayak & S. Misra (2022). “The Influence of Personalized Product Recommendations on Purchase Intention: A Theoretical Synthesis Based On Self-Determination Theory” IJBIS, Inderscience Publishers/ABDC/ Scopus Indexed / ISSN: 1746-0972(Print) & 1746-0980(Online)- In press, publication scheduled(DOI:10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10049210) Link:
    • Nayak, Parameswar (2018). “Effectiveness of Women in Managerial Roles in the Corporate Sector in India: Perceptions of their Manager colleagues”, TEORIJA IN PRAKSA 55, 3/2018{ SCOPUS, ESCI (Emergence Sources Citation Index),COBISS.SI,COBIB,ODKLJ}, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Vol.4.Issue 3 pp. 553-557, ISSN: 0040-3598 {link-
    • Nayak, Parameswar and Neeti Sharma (2018). “Managing Faculty’s Work-Life Balance in Indian Business Schools” TEORIJA IN PRAKSA 55, 3/2018{ SCOPUS, ESCI (Emergence Sources Citation Index),COBISS.SI,COBIB,ODKLJ}, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Vol.4.Issue 3.pp. 604-621, ISSN: 0040-3598 (link-
    • Mrčela, Aleksandra Kanjuo and Parameswar Nayak (2018). “Gendered distribution of economic power in India”, TEORIJA IN PRAKSA 55, 3/2018{ SCOPUS, ESCI (Emergence Sources Citation Index),COBISS.SI,COBIB,ODKLJ}, pp. 513-517, ISSN: 0040-3598 {link-
    • Nayak, Parameswar (2018). Effectiveness of Women in Corporate Sector in India: Perceptions of their Manager Colleagues, The Business & Management Review, Vol.9, No. 4, 2018(July), pp.104-113( ISSN 2047-2862( Print) & 2047-2854 (on-line) listed in EBSCO & ProQuest of Refereed Publications.
    • Sharma, N. and Parameswar Nayak. (2018). “An empirical study of work-life balance: perception of gender”, International Academic Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management 5, No. 1, 2018(Jan), pp. 41-51. ISSN 2454-2210(Impact factor-4.0007)
    • Lele, A. and Parameswar Nayak. (2017). Identification of Predictor Variables Influencing Learning Style Preferences of Knowledge Workers in Indian IT Service Companies, Amity Business Review, Vol. 18, No. 2, July – December 2017, Bi-annual Single-blind Refereed Journal of Amity Business School, ISSN: 0972-2343, ASI-SCORE: 1.3, UGC approved: Journal No.: 46876
    • Lele, A. and Parameswar Nayak. (2017). Assessing Learning Styles to Improve Skill Development: A case study of NASSCOM, International Journal of Information Technology and Management (a SCOPUS enlisted Inderscience’s journal), Vol. 16, No. 2, 2017 pp173-180.E-ISSN No.17415179, Cite Score:0.48
    • Mgeni, T.O. and Parameswar Nayak. (2016). Impact of Structural Firm characteristics on Business Performance of SMEs: Evidence from agribusiness firms in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, Vol. 6, No. 5 on May 31, 2016, ISSN: 2223-583
    • Mgeni, T.O. and Parameswar Nayak. (2016). Impact of Transnational Leadership Style on Business Performance of SMEs in Tanzania, Amity Business Review, Vol. 17, No. 1, January – June 2016 ISSN: 0972-2343 ASI-SCORE: 1.3 (listed in EBSCO Host, CABELL’S International and ULRICHSWEBTH  Global Serials Directory
    • Sharma, N. and Parameswar Nayak (2016). Study on Work-Life Balance and Organization Policy in IT Sector in NCR, International Research Journal of Amity International Business School, (listed in EBSCO Host, CABELL’S International and ULRICHSWEBTH    Global Serials Directory). Vol. 11, February 2016(ISSN 0975-511X pp.115-122
    • Nayak, Parameswar (2015). Women in HR Roles: Perceptions of Corporate Managers in India, Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management,4, No. 3, October 2015. ISSN 2277-2138, pp.32-38
    • Nayak, Parameswar (2015). Towards Enhancing Employability of Young Indians, Journal of Rural & Industrial Development, 3, No. 2, October 2015, pp.1-11. ISSN:2321-187
    • Mgeni, T.O. and Parameswar Nayak. (2015). Impact of Different Leadership Styles of CEOs on Business Performance of SMEs in East Africa: A Systematic Review of Literature, Journal of Entrepreneurship and Management, Vol.4, No.3, October 2015, ISSN:2277-6850, pp.1-13.
    • Mgeni, T.O. and Parameswar Nayak. (2015). Impacts of Entrepreneurial Leadership Style on Business Performance of Female owned SMEs in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Journal of Entrepreneurship and Management, Vol. 4, No.2, June 2015.ISSN: 2277-6850, 39-50(Global Impact Factor:0.235)
    • Choudhary, A., Parameswar Nayak, and S. Triparty. (2012). HR Strategies for Turnaround Management: A Case Study of Rourkela Steel Plant, International Journal of Business and Management Tomorrow(IJBMT), May 2012, Vol 2. No.5, ISSN: 2249-9962 (Online) 2277-176X (Print)
    • Nayak, Parameswar (2009). Abstract of the Research paper “Women in HR in Indian Corporate Sector”, presented in the National Seminar on “Re-inventing HR & IR Vision in the New Economy”,29-30, July 2009, organized by Utkal University, Department of PMIR was published in its Souvenir.pp.43-44
    • Nayak, Parameswar (2009). Abstract of the Research paper “Continuing Employee Relations After Public Sector Reform”, presented in the International Conference on Management (NICOM-2009) was published in the Conference Proceedings, January 8-10,2009 p.75.
    • Nayak, Parameswar (2006). Human Face of Public Sector Reform, published in the Souvenir of Annual Global HR Summit, Amity Business School, Noida.
    • Nayak, Parameswar (2004). Social Safety Net for Displaced Workforce in Public Sector Enterprises, published in the Souvenir, International Seminar on Employment Relations in Future & Future of Employment Relations, Utkal University in association with Indian Industrial Relations Association, New Delhi.pp.16-24
    • Nayak, Parameswar (1997). Use of Water Sources in Orissa”, published in the Journal of Anna University.
    • Nayak, Parameswar (1997). Water Balance and Conjunctive use of Water in Churu, Rajasthan, published by NAWDA.

    Chapters/ Articles in Edited Books

    • Volety, Naga Sreedhar and  Parameswar Nayak(2022), A Qualitative Study on Usage of Artificial Intelligence(AI) in Human Resource Department of Top and Mid-sized IT Companies: Biranchi Narayan Swar & Neeraj Singhal, Rethinking Business Agility During Uncertainty, Routledge,Taylor & Francis Group, New York, London, Chapter 17,  pp 195-204.
    •  Nayak, Parameswar, Rizwana Khanam and Debanshu Das (2021), Students Experience of Online Education during Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case of Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar, India’: Ville-Veikko Piispanen, Ajoy Kumar Dey and Shreya Mishra, Case Studies on Perspective on Management and Digital Business, Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, pp.192-200, ISBN No. 978-93-54352-77-5.
    • Nayak, Parameswar, Leader Must Build Ability in the Organizations to Re-invent itself: Sinha, K. K., A. Soni, and I. Mitra(Ed) (2017)  Manthan: Art and Science of Developing Leaders,  Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, London, Oxford, New York, Sydney( ISBN:978-93-86432-94-0(2017).
    • Nayak, Parameswar, Global Leaders Create a Triple Bottom Line: Profit, People, and Planet:  Sinha, KK, A. Soni and I. Mitra(Ed) (2017)  Manthan: Art and Science of Developing Leaders, Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, London, Oxford, New York, Sydney(ISBN:978-93-86432-94-0(2017).
    • Nayak, Parameswar and A. Lele, NASSCOM: Fostering Skill Development in Indian IT Sector:  Sardana, GD and Tojo Thatchenkery (Ed) (2015) Managing Complex Organization Change, Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, pp.107-113, ISBN 979-93-85436-77-2.
    • Nayak, Parameswar and A.D. Nanda, Effectiveness of Learning Styles in Training and Development Programmes at Power Management Institute of NTPC Ltd.:  Sardana, GD and Tojo Thatchenkery (Ed) (2015) Leveraging Human Factors for Strategic Change- An Organizational Culture Perspective,  Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, pp.354 -367, ISBN No. 9789384898-57-1.
    • Nayak, Parameswar and S.Tyagi Branding the Training at Fanfare Limited:  Sardana, GD and Tojo Thatchenkery (Ed) (2015) Reframing Human Capital For Organisational Excellence,  Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, pp.278-292, ISBN No. 9789382563-40-2.
    • Nayak, Parameswar, Globalizing Management Education in India: Managing Unmanaged: Nayak, P., and R.K.Mishra (Ed)(2011) Globalizing Management Education, Allied Publishers, New Delhi, PP.318-326, ISBN: 978-81-8424-659-9.
    • Nayak, Parameswar, Continuing Employee Relations After Public Sector Reform: Dhar, U., C.Gopalakrishnan and Nina Muncherji(Ed)(2009) Partners in Success-Strategic HR and Entrepreneurship, Excel Books Publisher, New Delhi pp. 31-41, ISBN:978-81-7446-701-0.
    • Nayak, Parameswar, Impact of Labor Restructuring and Social Safety Net for Rationalized Employees of Public Sector Enterprises: A. K. Rath and Chukka Kondaiah (Ed)(2006) Redeployment of Rationalized Employees: Strategies and Options, NISIET, Hyderabad.
    • Nayak, Parameswar, Social Safety Net Through Entrepreneurship Development: An alternative Livelihood Option for Retirees from Public Sector Enterprises: P.C Tripathy & S Maharana( Ed)(2003) Entrepreneurship Development: Policies and Strategies.


    • Nayak, Parameswar and Anubha Ray(Ed). Language, Literature & Diversity, 2020, Excel India Publishers, New Delhi (ISBN: 978-93-89947-20-5)
    • Nayak, Parameswar and R.K.Mishra (Ed). Globalizing Management Education, 2011, Allied Publishers, New Delhi (ISBN: 978-81-8424-659-9)
    • Nayak, Parameswar and Vishal Sagar (Ed). Corporate Governance: A Tool to Burst Financial Bubbles, 2010, Wisdom Publications, New Delhi, (ISBN:978-81-98547-88-2)

    Book Reviewed

    An Idiot Who Sold the Ship by -Vijay Walia, UNICON BOOKs Pub.,2010-The review published in its next edition

    Publications in News Portals

    • Nayak, Parameswar, COVID-19: Lessons Learned As Mankind Battles The Deadly Virus: BizOdisha(Odisha’s First Business News Portal),,29 April 2020.
    • Nayak, Parameswar, The Art of Wellbeing: What COVID 19 has Taught Us: Odisha Bytes, Guest Column,, 2 May 2020.
  • Books Under Publication
    • Book Title: Managing NGOs
    • Book Title: Women in Corporate in India
  • Researcher IDs
  • Awards & Recognition
    • Received NIPM’s National HR Excellence Award in the category- Best Management Education Leadership Award in 2018.
    • Received the Best Research Paper Presenter Award at the University of Oxford, Said Business School, the UK at the International Conference on Restructuring of the Global Economy held on 9-10 July 2018 in the Track: Business & Management and a CPD certificate with 15 Continuous Professional Development(CPD) points.
    • Received the ‘Chhatra Gourav Samman’ award from the Fakir Mohan College Alumni Association (given by Mr. Ananta Das, the Minister-Higher Education, and Industry, Government of Odisha) on the occasion of Silver Jubilee Function at F. M. College, Balasore on 9th February 2019
    • Received the ‘Elmina The Luke Award’ from Delhi School of Social Work Society, Delhi University, in the year 1989 for outstanding social work services (fieldwork) in resettlement areas in Delhi.
    • Nominated as a Director-Project Formulations in the Board of Directors of Rotary Club Bhubaneswar(RI district -3262), India (2021-22)
    • Received an Award of Appreciation from Rotary Club Bhubaneswar for continued support to serve the community in changing lives in the Rotary year 2021-22
    • Appointed as one of the 3 International advisors by the Multimedia University (MMU), Malaysia, on their Board for the International Student e-Exchange Programmes in 2020 and 2021.
    • Invited by NIPM as an assessor to assess one of the applicant companies in Kolkata for the NIPM award for HR best practices (18 -19 August 2017).
    • Felicitated as a Distinguished Scholar of Personnel Management & Industrial Relations by the Utkal University in the function of Dr. Abhay Kumar Memorial Lecture organized by The Department of Personnel Management and Industrial Relations (PMIR) on 22 December 2016.
    • Nominated as a member of the NHRDN’s 4th Global HR Mission India Delegation to the USA and attended the SHRM’s International Convention at Orlando and visited the University of Central Florida, the USA in 2014.
    • Invited as an expert panelist in International, National, and regional TV channels such as Bloomberg TV, Door Darshan, NDTV, and News World Odia.
  • Participation in Professional Bodies
    • Life Member of Social Security Association of India. General Secretary of the Orissa chapter of the Association (from July 2004 to 26th February 2006).
    • Life Member of Indian Society for Training & Development(ISTD)
    • Life Member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)
    • Life Member(Institutional) of National HRD Network, New Delhi Chapter
    • Member of Knowledge Committee of PHD Chamber of Commerce, New Delhi(2010-2011)
    • ISTD’s Testing & Certification Committee(2011-14)
    • Executive Committee (Academic Council) of NHRDN, Bhubaneswar Chapter(2017-2019)
    • Member, Board of Directors of The Rotary Club of Bhubaneswar- Director-Project Formulation(2021-22) and Director-International Services(upto June 2022).
    • Member of the Board of Governors, Udyog Vikash, Bhubaneswar(a Professional Society for Entrepreneurship Development)
    • Member of the Board of Governors, ITS Institute of Management, Greater Noida, India (2010-11)
    • Member of the Board of Governors, Amity Bhubaneswar (2004-05)
    • Member of the Board of Governors and Board of Management, Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar(2016 onward)
    • Member of the Academic Council, Amity Business School, Amity University, Noida(2005-07)
    • Member of the Academic Council, Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar
    • Member of the Academic Council, Research & Development Committee of KIIT University, Bhubaneswar( 2007-2010)
    • Member of the Board of Studies & Board of Examinations for MBA Program of ABS, Amity University,UP (2005-2007).
    • Chairman, Board of Studies(Management), Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar
    • Chairman, Subject Research Committee(Management), Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar
    • Member, IQAC, Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar
    • Member of the Board of Studies for Social Work, BJB Autonomous College, Bhubaneswar (2020-2022)
  • Personal Details
    • Date of Birth: 25 July 1964; Nationality: Indian; Marital status: Married; Languages Known: Oriya, Hindi, English & Bengali
    • Mailing Address:: Dean’s Residence, IDCO Plot No.2, Gothapatna, P.O. Malipada, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, Pin Code-751029
    • Permanent Address: HIG-167, KananVihar, Bhubaneswar-31, Orissa.India, E. mail, Mob.: 9560548899
  • References
    • Name of the Referee: Dr. Sudhakar Panda, Post : Former Vice-Chancellor,Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar, Email:, Mobile : 9438396986
    • Name of the Referee: Dr. R K Mishra, Post : Former Director, Institute of Public Enterprises( IPE), Hyderabad, Email:, Mobile : 9849253521
    • Name of the Referee: Dr. Arun Kumar Rath (Retd. IAS), Post : Former Secretary, Ministry of HRD, Government of India Email:, Mobile : 9910436439
    • Name of the Referee: Dr. Rado Bohinc, Post : Professor & former Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, Ljubljana University, Slovenia, Europe
      (Former Rector of Primoska University, Slovenia, Europe) Email:, Mobile : 0038641641853