Designation: Dean, Birla School of Law
Extn: 470
Area: Law
Professor Sukanta Kumar Nanda after completing his master’s degree in Economics with specialization in Mathematical Economics and Econometrics from the prestigious Ravenshaw College (now Ravenshaw University) completed LL.M. from one of the oldest and reputed Institutions of the country, Madhusudan Law College, Cuttack now Madhusudan Law University. Subsequently, he was awarded Ph.D. degree in Law from Utkal University in the year 1999.
Professor Nanda started his career as a Lecturer in the year 1991 from Dinabandhu Sahu Law College, Kendrapara and then joined Madhusudan Law College in the year 2004. He was the first person to be selected as Reader of that college when the Reader’s post was created and went on to become the Professor-cum-Principal of Madhusudan Law College, Cuttack. He Continued in that post till April 2021 when the College was upgraded in to an University named as Madhusudan Law University and continued in the newly created University as a Professor. It is pertinent to mention here that Professor Nanda has played a crucial and significant role in upgrading the Madhusudan Law College in to an University.
During the span of near about thirty-three years of experience of teaching at UG and PG level, including more than twenty-five years of research experience, he has been guiding students for various academic programmes and activities. He was the first Chairman, P.G. Council, first Dean, Faculty of Legal Studies, first Chairman, IQAC, first Chairman, Academic Affairs Committee, first Chairman, Madhusudan Chair Committee, first Chairman Ph. D. Amending Committee, first Chairman, Board of Studies, Professor and Head, Post Graduate Department of Law, Member, University Level Committee constituted under ‘Mo College Abhijan’ and Chairman and member of several other Committees, Member Syndicate, Academic Council and Finance Committee of Madhusudan Law University.
Prof. Nanda was also the Professor, Post Graduate Department of Law, Professor and Principal of University Law College, Bhubaneswar, a constituent college of Utkal University, Dean, Faculty of Legal Studies, Member, Senate, Chairman of Subject Research Committee (Law), Member, Institutional Ethics Committee, Member, Examination Disciplinary Committee, Member, Regulation Amending Committee, Member, Equivalence Committee of Utkal University. He was the Chairman, Board of Studies in Law of Utkal University and Member, Board of Studies (Law), Member, Board of Subject Experts and Member, Subject Research Committee of various leading Universities of the country. He is also a Member, Screening Committee, National Law University, Odisha, Gender Sensitisation Committee, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, External Expert Member of Advisory Committee of self-financing courses of L.R. Law College, Sambalpur, a Constituent College of Sambalpur University and Member of several RSCs of KIIT Law School, KIIT University.
Prof. Nanda is also an Expert (Panel) Member for the State Level Eligibility Test conducted by Gujarat State and also associated with several bodies like Odisha Public Service Commission, State Selection Board and Odisha Higher Education Council. He was a Member and Coordinator of the High Power Committee constituted by the Utkal University to manage and regulate legal education. He is associated with Several Universities of the country in various capacities. He was also the Chairman, MO College Committee of University Law College, Bhubaneswar, constituted under ‘Mo College Abhijan’, an initiative of the Government of Odisha.
Prof. Nanda has produced five Ph.D. scholars in law and several others are working under his guidance. He has published six text books which are widely acclaimed by the students and teachers as well across the country and edited six books. He has contributed near about fifty research articles in various Scopus, Peer Reviewed, UGC-Care, Refereed and leading law journals and edited books of the country. He has participated in more than one hundred international, national conferences and workshops including presentation of more than seventy-five working and research papers. He has participated in Refresher Courses, Teacher’s Training programmes, workshops including one workshop for Research Guides conducted by Pondicherry University and completed three research projects. He has addressed several conferences, training and academic programmes as Chief Guest, Guest of Honour and as a Resource Person and also delivered Key–Note addresses and invited lectures.
He has also addressed the participants of Ph.D. course work, and Refresher Courses of Universities like M. S. University, Baroda, Gujarat, Allahabad University, Allahabad, North Eastern Hill University, Shillong and Ranchi University. Ranchi. He has the credit of organizing two International, five National Conferences, two National Law Fests, two National Moot Court Competitions, four workshops, two Memorial Lectures, many state level Moot Court Competitions and several invited Lectures in the last eight and half years. While at Madhusudan Law University, Professor Nanda drafted the Regulations for the Ph. D. programme and also the regulation for establishment of a Chair Professor. He is associated with several journals and at present Member, Editorial Advisory Board of Indian Bar Review, a prestigious publication of Bar Council of India Trust, New Delhi. Prof. Nanda is the Distinguished Member of International Council of Jurists, recipient of ‘Sikshya Rattan Puraskar’ and ‘Bharat Excellence Award’ along with a Gold Medal and has been felicitated and awarded by various organizations for his outstanding contribution in the field of education.
At present Prof. Nanda is continuing as Professor and Dean of Birla School of Law, Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar.