Birla Gloal University
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  • Bachelor in Computer Application (BCA)

    Bachelor in Computer Application (BCA) is a three-year full-time undergrad program that is the most sought-after in the Information Technology (IT) field. The IT industry is expanding at an exponential rate, creating a huge array of job opportunities. This multi-tracked elective course program can lead to positions such like Software Engineer, System Engineer, Software Quality Engineer, System Programr, System Analyst, Information Technology Professional, Data Analyst, Data Science Specialist, Cloud Specialist, Networking Specialists, and Cyber Security Specialist, among others.

    The razor-sharp program curriculum has been developed in partnership with industry experts to ensure its comprehension and applicability in a real-world scenario. The program’s main draws are projects-based learning, internships, and research-based projects spread across three years of study in which students will explore and apply their classroom knowledge while working on real-world business problems and use cases. The tools and technologies used by industries are incorporated into the course structure.

  • Computer Applications

    The study of computers and computational systems is known as computer application. Computer professionals create, design, and test algorithms to solve programs and evaluate the performance of computer hardware, network, and software systems. Computer science has numerous applications in various industries such as finance, retail, automobiles, insurance, real estate, logistics, and hospitality, among others. Computer science applications are expanding at a breakneck pace as technology advances, necessitating the need for well-trained computer science specialists.

  • Employment Opportunity

    The program is specifically designed to meet the demand for computer/IT professionals in industries, corporations, multinational corporations, and public sector organisations. After completing this undergraduate program, there are numerous career opportunities available. Students who want to expand their knowledge and find better job opportunities can pursue advanced degrees such as a Masters in Computer Application (MCA), a Masters in Information Management, or a Masters in Computer Management. Master of Business Administration (MBA)/ Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM), etc.

    Our program structure has been designed and developed with the active participation of industry experts and top academicians in such a way that it prepares students for careers in IT-related jobs and software industries.

    The job profiles offered to a Bachelors in Computer Application (BCA) graduate are:

    • Software Engineer/ Software Specialists
    • IT Project Manager/ Project Manager
    • DevOps Specialist/ IT Specialists
    • Data Analyst/ Data Scientist/ Machine Learning Specialists/ AI Specialists
    • Cloud Specialists
    • Network Specialists,
    • Software Quality Engineer/ Software Test Engineer etc.
  • Program Objective
    • To effectively use core computer science skills and knowledge to bridge the gap between computing industry experts and business leaders, and to create and initiate innovation.
    • To prepare students to be resourceful, to develop innovative and sustainable solutions, and to collaborate in teams to achieve a common goal.
    • To prepare graduates to work and communicate effectively in an interdisciplinary environment, either independently or in groups, and to demonstrate scientific leadership in academia and industry.
  • Program Outcomes (POs)
    • PO1 Disciplinary Knowledge: Understand the concepts of core subjects and have the hands-on skills to demonstrate competency in the domain of computer science.
    • PO2 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Define, identify, analyze, design, interpret, evaluate, and provide the solution using computer domain knowledge.
    • PO3 Global/Multicultural Competence: Identify and analyse global demand for computer technologies to provide a solution to all.
    • PO4 Research Related Skills: Students will develop conceptual clarity and be enabled to analyze a situation and provide sustainable solutions.
    • PO5 Leadership & Teamwork: The ability to perform effectively as a leader and perform excellently with a variety of teams in a multidisciplinary environment.
    • PO6 Effective Communication: Ability to communicate effectively with various stakeholders in the field of computer science
    • PO7 Ethics and Human Values: Perform ethical and professional practice by using computer technology.
    • PO8 Community Engagement and Social Responsibilities: Help the community and society grow an advanced health system, promote economic growth, and provide a sustainable solution to society.
  • Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
    • PSO1 Professionally skilled and trained in the field of computer science, they can solve complex, real-time problems, which help them grow personally and professionally.
    • PSO1 Understanding modern computer technologies and their applications to solve complex and critical issues that benefit society and the environment.
    • PSO1 Trained to perform effectively as an individual, a team, and as a team leader in a multidisciplinary environment using critical thinking skills.
  • Learning Outcome

    Following completion of the undergrad course, participants will be able to:

    • Acquire an understanding and knowledge of the fundamental theories of computer science and information technology, including algorithms, data structures, data handling, data communication, and computation.
    • Gain the ability to implement this knowledge to analyse new situations and provide long-term innovative solutions.
    • Acquire the necessary and cutting-edge skills to take on industry challenges.
  • Eligibility

    The Candidate should have passed +2 Examinations in Arts / Science / Commerce or equivalent. having Mathematics/ Business Mathematics or Statistics in +2 or three year Diploma in Engineering Examination conducted by State Council of Technical Education and Training, Orissa or equivalent degree with 50% aggregated marks

  • Program Structure
    Subject Name Credit
    Programming for Problem Solving using C 4
    Fundamental of Information Technology 4
    Mathematics in Computer Applications-I 6
    English 2
    Environmental Science 2
    Programming for Problem Solving using C LAB 2
    English LAB 2
    Total Credits 22
    Data Structure 4
    Data Base Management System 4
    Object Oriented Programming using Java 4
    Mathematics in Computer Applications-II 6
    Data Structure LAB 2
    Data Base Management System LAB 2
    Object Oriented Programming using Java LAB 2
    Total Credits 24
    Application based Programming in Python 4
    Design and Analysis of Algorithms 4
    Computer System Architecture 4
    Principles of Operating System 4
    Management Concepts & Practices 4
    Application Based Programming in Python LAB 2
    Design and Analysis of Algorithms LAB 2
    Computer System Architecture LAB 2
    Total Credits 26
    Digital Communication and Computer Networks 4
    Web Technology 4
    Software Engineering using UML 4
    Automata Theory and Compiler Design 4
    Getting Started with Arduino and Raspberry Pi 2
    Digital Communication and Computer Networks LAB 2
    Web Technology LAB 2
    Software Engineering using UML LAB 2
    Total Credits 24
    Computer Graphics 4
    E Commerce 4
    Optimization Techniques 6
    Program Elective-I 3
    Program Elective-II 3
    Computer Graphics LAB 2
    Industrial Internship-I
    (Evaluation of Internship at the end of 2 year of study)
    Total Credits 26
    Introduction to Machine Learning 4
    Mobile and Wireless Communication 4
    Program Elective-III 3
    Program Elective-IV 3
    Introduction to Machine Learning LAB 2
    Project Based Learning (PBL) & Seminar 6
    Comprehensive Viva 2
    Total Credits 26
  • List of Professional Elective Subjects
    Track –I Track –II Track –III
    Professional Elective-I Data Mining & Knowledge Discovery Mobile Application Development PHP and My SQL
    Professional Elective-II Business Intelligence Distributed System Software Testing
    Professional Elective-III Business Analytics and Big Data Cloud Computing Embedded System
    Professional Elective-IV Artificial Intelligence & Expert System Cryptography and Network Security Internet of Things
    Professional Elective-V Deep Learning Parallel Programming Agile Software Engineering

    *Subjected to approval from Board of Studies /Academic Councils/ Competent Authority

  • Duration

    Program Duration: 3 Years

    (As per NEP 2020 guidelines there is also option of 4th year for research which is applied only for interested students)

  • Course Fee
    Course Fee per Semester (INR) No. of Semesters Total Course fee (INR)*
    BCA 50,000 6 3,00,000

    *Additional Information

    • In addition to this fee, students have to pay the refundable security deposit (10,000 INR) subject to clearance, one time Registration Fee (15,000 INR) and Medical insurance (3000 INR PA)..
    • Students having higher percentage throughout career will be eligible for scholarship
    • Students are required to maintain consistency in percentage to avail scholarship.

    Option 1 – Single Occupancy (In Campus)

    Installments 1st Installment 2nd Installment 3rd Installment 4th Installment
    Due Date 15th June 2024 15th Dec 2024 15th June 2025 15th Dec 2025
    Lodging (A/C Accommodation) Rs.70,400.00 Rs.70,400.00 Rs.70,400.00 Rs.70,400.00
    Boarding Rs. 36,000 Rs. 36,000 Rs. 36,000 Rs. 36,000
    Laundry Rs. 3,000 Rs. 3,000 Rs. 3,000 Rs. 3,000
    Total Charges Rs. 1,09,400.00 Rs. 1,09,400.00 Rs. 1,09,400.00 Rs. 1,09,400.00

    Option-2 Double Occupancy (In Campus)

    Installments 1st Installment 2nd Installment 3rd Installment 4th Installment
    Due Date 15th June 2024 15th Dec 2024 15th June 2025 15th Dec 2025
    Lodging (A/C Accommodation) Rs. 35,200.00 Rs. 35,200.00 Rs. 35,200.00 Rs. 35,200.00
    Boarding Rs. 36,000 Rs. 36,000 Rs. 36,000 Rs. 36,000
    Laundry Rs. 3,000 Rs. 3,000 Rs. 3,000 Rs. 3,000
    Total Charges Rs. 74,200.00 Rs. 74,200.00 Rs. 74,200.00 Rs. 74,200.00

    Triple Occupancy (In Campus)

    Installments 1st Installment 2nd Installment 3rd Installment 4th Installment 5th Installment 6th Installment
    Due Date 15th June 2024 15th Dec 2024 15th June 2025 15th Dec 2025 15th June 2026 15th Dec 2026
    Lodging (A/C Accommodation) Rs. 31,200.00 Rs. 31,200.00 Rs. 31,200.00 Rs. 31,200.00 Rs. 31,200.00 Rs. 31,200.00
    Boarding Rs. 36,000 Rs. 36,000 Rs. 36,000 Rs. 36,000 Rs. 36,000 Rs. 36,000
    Laundry Rs. 3,000 Rs. 3,000 Rs. 3,000 Rs. 3,000 Rs. 3,000 Rs. 3,000
    Total Charges Rs. 70,200.00 Rs. 70,200.00 Rs. 70,200.00 Rs. 70,200.00 Rs. 70,200.00 Rs. 70,200.00


    • Hostel-registration fee of INR 10,000 at the time of registration
    • Student should preserve this schedule for timely payment of fees to avoid penalty for late fee deposition.
    • No notice or reminder will be sent to student or his/her parents.
    • No separate letter will be issued for Bank Education Loan.
    • Demand Draft should be made in the name of “BIRLA GLOBAL UNIVERSITY” Payable at Bhubaneswar.
    • To pay online Click here