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Dr. Suvendu Ku Pratihari

Designation: Assistant Professor
Extn: 208
Area: Marketing

Brief Profile

Dr. Suvendu Kumar Pratihari has done Ph.D. in Marketing Management from the School of Management, National Institute of Technology (NIT) Rourkela. Before joining Birla Global University, he worked as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmedabad. He has over 18 years of rich PAN India experience in the industry, academic, and research domains in different capacities.

His current research and teaching interests are Sustainable brand management, stakeholder engagement and experience management, business strategy for the Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP), Fintech, and Financial Inclusion. His research works have been published in different international and national high-impact journals. Towards his credit, Dr. Pratihari has qualified UGC-NET and is a doctoral fellow of the Indian Council of Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi. He is an ad-hoc reviewer to different international journals of repute in the broader domain of Marketing and Strategy. Dr. Pratihari is interested in collaborative research and applied projects with inclusive and sustainable business practices.

  • Educational Qualifications

    Ph.D. :

    Ph.D. in Management (2019), School of Management, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, Odisha, India. Thesis title: Assessment of Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Branding: Evidence from Indian banking sector.

    Masters :

    MBA in Marketing and Tourism (2003) from Regional College of Management, Bhubaneswar, BPUT, Odisha.

    Bachelors :

    B.Sc. in Chemistry (2001) from MPC College, Baripada, North Orissa University, Odisha.

    Other Professional Qualification :

    Faculty Development Program in Management (FDPM, May-July 2018), Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India.

  • Teaching and Research

    Teaching Courses and New Courses Developed

    • Brand Management
    • Bottom of the Pyramid Marketing (New Course)
    • Customer Engagement and Experiential Marketing (New Course)
    • Social Marketing (New Course)
    • Event Marketing (Applied Course)

    Research Areas and Interests

    • Corporate Brand Management
    • Business Models at the Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP)
    • Experiential Marketing
    • Corporate Social Responsibility
    • Financial Inclusion and Inclusive Growth
    • Mixed method research
    • Content Analytics
  • Professional Development

    Journal Publications

    • Pratihari, S.K. and Uzma, S.H. (2019), “A Survey on Bankers’ Perception of Corporate SocialResponsibility in India. Social Responsibility Journal,” Vol. 16 No. 2, pp. 225-253. DOI: 1108/SRJ-11-2016-0198 (Web of Science, Scopus, ABDC-B)
    • ­­­Uzma, S.H. & Pratihari, S.K. (2019), “Financial modeling for business sustainability: A case study of Business Correspondent model of financial inclusion in India,” Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers, Vol. 44 No. 4, pp. 211–231. DOI: 1177/0256090919898909 (Scopus)
    • Pratihari, S.K. and Uzma, S.H. (2018), “Corporate Social Identity: An Analysis of the Indian Banking Sector,” International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol 36 No. 6, pp. 1248-1284. DOI: 1108/IJBM-03-2017-0046 (Scopus, ABDC-A)
    • ­Pratihari, S.K. and Uzma, S.H. (2018), “CSR and Corporate Branding effect on Brand Loyalty: A study on Indian banking industry,” Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol. 27 No. 1, pp. 57-78. DOI: 1108/JPBM-05-2016-1194 (Web of Science, Scopus, ABDC-A)
    • Pratihari, S.K. and Moharana, S.K. (2013), “Total Quality Perspective in Professional Education for Achieving Excellence,” Srusti Management Review, Vol 6 No 1, p. 85-89, ISSN: 0974-4274.


    Book Chapters and Open Educational Resources (OER)

    • Pratihari, S.K. (2017), Marketing and Retail Management, in Moharana, S.K. (Ed.), Marketing and Retail Management, of Diploma in Management, Open Educational Resources (OER), Odisha State Open University Publishing, Sambalpur, Block 1 to 3
    • Pratihari, S.K. (2017), “Business Opportunities Identification,” in Moharana S.K. (Ed.), Development of Entrepreneurship Skill (DED 4), of Diploma in Entrepreneurship Course, Open Educational Resources (OER), Odisha State Open University Publishing, Sambalpur, Block 2, Unit 1-3,
    • Behera, L., Pratihari, S.K. and Mohapatra, R.N. (2013), “Financial Inclusion through financial literacy – Need and Challenges in Indian Perspective,” in Prasad, M.S.V. and Sekhar, GVS (2013), Financial Inclusion in India, Excel Book, pp. 105-119. ISBN: 978-93-5062-318-3

    Working Papers

    • Pratihari, S.K. and Jaiswal, A.K., “Examining BOP customers’ package-size choice decision,” Communicated to Journal of Business Research, (Revision stage),
    • Pratihari, S.K. and Uzma, S.H., “Multi-Dimensional Modelling of Corporate Branding: A CSR Perspective,” (Peer review stage), Targeted at International Journal of Bank Marketing, Emerald.
    • Pratihari, S.K. and Misra, S., “Effect of CSR on brand loyalty: The mediating role of customer value,” Manuscript development stage, Targeted at International Journal of Business Excellence, Inderscience.
    • Jaiswal, A.K. and Pratihari, S.K., “EXQUAL – A multi-dimensional scale for measuring customer experiential quality,” Manuscript development stage.
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    • Pratihari, S.K., Singh, K.M., Verma, S., Adhikari, P., and Krishna, S. Gwalia Sweets Private Limited. (The case explains the business expansion strategy of Gwalia Sweets, one of the leading sweets and confectionery brands in Western India.) Status: Communicated to The Case Centre, U.K.
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    • Sharma, J., Pratihari, S.K., Verma, S., and Panda, B., “Carbon performance disclosure and firm performance” (Working paper, Targeted at Environment and Development Economics, Cambridge University Press.
    • Pratihari, S.K. “CSR and corporate Identity: A Meta Synthesis,” Working paper, Targeted at Journal of Business Ethics, Emerald.
    • Pratihari, S.K. and Mohapatra, R.N. (2013), “Financial Inclusion through financial literacy – Need and Challenges in Indian Perspective,” in Prasad, M.S.V. and Sekhar, GVS (2013), Financial Inclusion in India, Excel Book, pp. 105-119. ISBN: 978-93-5062-318-3

    Workshop/ Resource Person

    • Resource person for the three-day workshop on “Content analytics and interview method of qualitative research” for the faculty and research students; organized by ICBM-School of Business Excellence, Hyderabad, Duration: 26-28 December 2018.
    • Session on “How to address reviewers’ queries: Cases and examples” in the AICTE sponsored workshop on “Research paper writing and publication”, organized by Gandhi Institute for Technology, December 2020.
    • Resource person for the one-day workshop titled “Citation and reference management using Mendeley,” September 2021, organized by School of Business and Commerce, Manipal University, Jaipur.
    • and Mohapatra, R.N. (2013), “Financial Inclusion through financial literacy – Need and Challenges in Indian Perspective,” in Prasad, M.S.V. and Sekhar, GVS (2013), Financial Inclusion in India, Excel Book, pp. 105-119. ISBN: 978-93-5062-318-3
  • Academic and Professional Experience
    November 2021 – Onwards: Assistant Professor, Marketing Area, Birla School of Management, Birla Global University Bhubaneswar.

    Previous Positions (Academic)

    • February 2019 – September 2021: Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Marketing area, Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad.
    • January 2015 – December 2015: Research Associate, NIT Rourkela in NABARD Sponsored project titled “Status of financial inclusion in Odisha.”
    • August 2011 – January 2014: Assistant Professor, Marketing area, Mahendra Institute of Management and Technical Studies (MIMTS), Bhubaneswar.
    • June 2010 to July 2011: Assistant Professor, Marketing area, Institute of Management and Information Science (IMIS), Bhubaneswar.

    Previous Positions (Corporate)

    • 2006 – 2010: Territory Manager, Odisha, Honeywell Electrical Devices and Systems India Limited.
    • 2005 – 2006: Key Accounts Manager, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, Ceasefire Industries Limited
    • 2003 – 2005: Senior Sales Executive, Bangalore, Shalimar Colours India Pvt. Ltd.

    Start-up Entrepreneurship

    Founder and Gardener, STEEPLE Cause Research and Sustainable Development, a company under Section 8 of Company Act. 2013, Govt. of India (The project started in 2020 and is at the business model validation stage of the Entrepreneurial Process.)

  • Awards and Affiliations
    • UGC-NET in Management
    • Doctoral Fellowship, Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi, India.
    • Certificate of honor “Honeywell Future Driver Award 2008” for sustainable growth and brand building activities for F.Y. 2007-08 in India.
    • Certificate of Honour for the best performer for the 3rdQuarter of the F.Y. 2005-2006” and qualified for the flagship “Advance Selling Skill” training Programme from Ceasefire Industries Limited.
  • Affiliations and Membership
    • INFORMS Society for Marketing Science (ISMS), 2021-2022
    • Alumni – National Institute of Technology Rourkela
    • Alumni – Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad
    • Member, Heartfulness (An International Spiritual Institution, founded by the Shree Ramchandra Mission, India, promoting Sahaj Marg approach of Meditation)
  • Journal Reviewer (Ad Hoc)
    • European Journal of Marketing (Emerald Publishing)
    • International Journal of Information Management (Elsevier Publishing)
    • Journal of Promotion Management (Taylor & Francis Publishing)
    • Journal of Environmental Planning and Management (Taylor & Francis Publishing)
    • Social Responsibility Journal (Emerald Publishing)
    • South Asian Journal of Business Studies (Emerald Publishing)
    • The Service Industries Journal (Taylor & Francis Publishing)
    • Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers (Sage Publishing)
  • Completed Projects:
    • Project Title: Inclusive Eye Care (IEC) at the Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP).
      Associated Institutions: LV Prasad Eye Institute (LVPEI), Bhubaneswar, MIMTS, Khurda.
      Project Duration: 2012-2013 (18 Months)
      Role: Convener
      Project Title: Skill Development at School Level in Rural Odisha.
      Associated Institutions: Z Engineers Construction Pvt. Ltd., Bhubaneswar, MIMTS, Khurda.
      Project Duration: 2012-2013 (07 Months)
      Role: Convener
  • Social Outreach Achievements:
    • Coordinated awareness campaigns on World AIDS Day, December 01 among the rural people, truck drivers, and railway station consecutively for 2011, 2012, and 2013 in association with OSAC, Odisha Police, and MBA students of Mahendra Institute of Management and Technical Studies (MIMTS), Khurda.
    • Successfully organized three voluntary blood donation camps associated with Red Cross Society of Khurda District Hospital, Odisha, sponsored by MIMTS, Khurda.
  • Selected Presentations and Conference Papers:


    • Pratihari, S.K., and Jaiswal, A.K. (2021), “Examining BOP Customers’ Package-Size Choice Decision,” 7th International Conference on Global Business Environment: Inclusive business in developing economies – Converging people, profit, and corporate citizenship. 10-11 December, Co-hosted by EGADE Business School, Mexico, and International Management Institute Bhubaneswar, India.
    • Verma, S., Sharma, J., and Pratihari, S.K. (2021), “Do firms care about social responsibility practices: An analysis of carbonex firms,” 5th International Conference of Marketing, Strategy, and Policy (MSP), 8-10 September 2021, Newcastle University, England, UK.
    • Pratihari, S.K. and Jaiswal, AK (2021), “Customer’s package size choice decision at the bottom of the pyramid (BOP) market,” 2021 American Marketing Association (AMA) Summer Academic Conference, 4-6 August, Chicago, USA.
    • Jaiswal, AK and Pratihari, K. (2021), “SQ-EXQUAL: A Hybrid Scale for measuring customer satisfaction and loyalty,” 43rd Annual INFORMS Society for Marketing Science (ISMS) Conference, 3-5 June, hosted by Simon Business School, the University of Rochester, New York.
    • Uzma, S.H. and Pratihari, S.K. (2021), “Business correspondence model of financial inclusion: A multi-stakeholder perspective in India,” 3rd annual India Public Policy Network (IPPN) Conference, 26-27 March, Organized by the Indian School of Business (ISB) Hyderabad and Bharti Institute of Public Policy on the theme “Technology and Policy.”
    • Pratihari, K., and Jaiswal, AK (2020), “Antecedents of customer package-size choice decision at BOP market,” 6th Biennial conference of INDAM, January 1-4, on Architecting Indian management scholarship in the era of disruption, organized by IIM Tiruchirappalli, India.
    • Pratihari, K., and Uzma, S.H. (2019), “Effect of CSR. on Corporate Branding Dimensions,” 7th AIM-AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium and Conference, 4-7 January, organized by MICA, Ahmedabad, India.
    • Krishna, S.K., Pratihari, S.K., and Tiwari, R. (2018), “Branding of rural tourism and sustainability: Issues and Challenges”, First PAN IIT International Management Conference, November 30 to December 02, organized by Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee.
    • Pratihari, K. (2017), “Reliability and Validity of Corporate Social Identity Disclosure using Text Analytics,” 5th International Conference on Business Analytics and Intelligence, 11-13 December, organized by DCAL, IIM Bangalore, India.
    • Pratihari, K. and Uzma, S.H. (2016), “A survey on Bankers’ perception of CSR. in India”, International Conference on CSR in Globalized World: Emerging Issues and Challenges, 26-27 February, organized by IIM Kolkata, India.
    • Pratihari, K. and Uzma, S.H. (2015), “The Moderating Role of CSR. on Corporate Branding,” Global Summit on Corporate Social Responsibility (GSCSR 2015), 15-16 May, organized by Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs, New Delhi, IIM Raipur, and National Law School of Indian University, Bangalore, India.
    • Pratihari, S.K. and Sahu, S. (2014), “Customer Expectations on Organized Retail Service Quality”, Global Conference on Managing in Recovering Markets, 5-7 March, organized by MDI Gurgaon, India.
    • Pratihari, K. (2013), “Travelling via the Web: Gaining Competitive Advantage in Tourism and Travel Industry,” UGC sponsored International Seminar on Innovation and Competitive Strategies for Sustainable Entrepreneurship, 23-24 February, organized by P. G. Department of Commerce (DRS-II), Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, India.
    • Pratihari, K. and Dash, A. (2013), “Awareness and Willingness to Subscribe for Health Insurance: A Study with Reference to Khordha District of Odisha”, International Seminar on Indian Insurance Industry: Sustainability in the Era of Globalization, 24-25 January, organized by P. G. Department of Commerce (DRS-II), Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, India.
    • Pratihari, K. (2012), “Thinking Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) is a complete Industrial Solution: A study on Indian Plastic Industry,” UGC Sponsored International Seminar on Development Entrepreneurship in MSME Sector – A Way forward to Sustainability, 6-7 March, organized by the P. G. Department of Commerce, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, India.


    • Pratihari, S.K. (2017), “Effect of CSR on corporate branding in the Indian banking sector”, Research Scholars’ Week, February 21-21, organized by the National Institute of Technology Rourkela, India.
    • Pratihari, S.K., Dash, P., and Sankar, B.P.B. (2017), “Demonetization in the fourth pillar of Indian Democracy: A Content Analysis”, Institute-sponsored seminar on Demonetization: Personal Narratives and Political Motifs, February 10-11, organized by National Institute of Technology Rourkela, India.
    • Pratihari, S.K. (2019), “Corporate Brand Positioning with CSR as the Differentiating Factor”, National Conference on Business Intervention for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth – Interventions for Marketing, Finance, and H.R., 19-20 February, organized by Srusti Academy of Management, Bhubaneswar, India.
    • Pratihari, S.K. and Pratihari, L. (2015), “A Study on Corporate Social Responsibility – A Case of Indian Overseas Bank”, National Seminar on Corporate Social Responsibility in India, 9-10 May, organized by P.G. Department of PM&IR, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, India.
    • Pratihari, S.K. and Moharana, S.K. (2013), “Total Quality Perspective in Professional Education for Achieving Excellence,” 13th National Seminar on Quality Enhancement in professional Education, Sponsored by NAAC, 15-16 March, organized by Srusti Academy of Management, Bhubaneswar, India.
    • Behera, L., Pratihari, S.K., and Mohapatra, R.N. (2012), “Financial Inclusion through financial literacy – Need and Challenges in Indian Perspective,” National Conference on Financial Inclusion in India: Challenges and Strategies, October 12-13, jointly organized by GITAM Institute of Management, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, and Indian Bank, India.
    • Moharana, S.K. and Pratihari, S.K. (2010), “Strategic leadership for Transformation – Managing Change for Competitive Advantage,” AICTE Sponsored National Seminar on Changing Corporate Leadership in the New Global Order, 21-22 May, organized by Dept. of Business Administration, CV Raman College of Engineering, Bhubaneswar, India.
  • Short-term FDPs/ Seminar/ Workshop Participated:
    • Attended workshop on “Psychometrics and Scale Development in Social Sciences,” July 2020, organized by School of Business Studies, Sharda University in Association with Prof. Vishal Gupta – IIMA (Five days program)
    • Attended IIM Ahmedabad Doctoral Summer School 2018(DSS 2018, April 2018, Five days program).
    • Attended in the workshop on Create and repurpose of open educational resources (OER) for Learning at Odisha State Open University (OSOU), October 2016, jointly organized by OSOU Sambalpur and Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA), New Delhi (Three days program)
    • Attended the capacity building workshop for faculty members of management and social sciences (CBWFMSS-2016), sponsored by ICSSR New Delhi, February 2016, jointly organized by School of Management and Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, NIT Rourkela (13 days program)
    • Attended National Workshop on “Intellectual Property and Innovation Management in Knowledge Era,” organized by Controller General of Patents Design and Trademarks, Govt. of India and NIT Rourkela, November 2015 (One day program).
    • Attended Management Development Program on “Multivariate Data Analysis,” organized by VGSOM, IIT Kharagpur, December 2014 (Seven days program)
    • Attended workshop on “How to get your research published in High Impact Journals,” conducted by Birla Institute of Management and Technology (BIMTECH) Bhubaneswar, July 2014 (Two days program).
    • Attended National Workshop on “Research Methodology Course in Social Sciences,” Sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi, jointly organized by School of Management and Department of Humanities & Social Sciences, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Odisha, February 2014 (Ten days program).
    • Attended workshop on research methodology organized by KIIT School of Management, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, April 2012 (Four days program).
    • Attended Faculty Development Program on “Marketing,” Sponsored by AICTE, Ministry of HRD, Govt. Of India and organized by Institute of Management and Information Science, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, April 2011 (Five days program).
    • Attended workshop on “Research Methodology,” organized by KIIT School of Management, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, April 2011 (Two days program).
    • Attended one day workshop on “Multivariate Statistical Analysis,” conducted by School of Humanities and Social Science and Management, IIT Bhubaneswar, March 2011.
    • Attended Staff Development Programme on “Strategic Marketing and Sales: Creating Competitive Advantage,” conducted by the Department of Business Management, C. V. Raman College of Engineering, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, April 2010 (Four days program).
  • Research and Social Identifiers: