Birla Gloal University
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Student Diaries


Author: Ria Mishra Date: 04 Aug 2021

Leaving home and coming to an unknown place, staying alone for the first time in my life was something that freaked me out the night before leaving my house.

It was 2019 August when I came to the BGU campus and within a month this campus became my second home. I was a little worried about myself and how I will live here. But that changed completely. I don't know if it was a hostel or classroom, both of them showed me love and life. It was just 7 months of love but those months are unforgettable experiences for my entire life. My campus made me independent, it made me strong. Even in this little time, I had the best laughs and the worst cries. I saw life as an individual adult, I saw mistakes I made and it made me stronger. I saw people changing according to their needs and I saw people staying even in my worst time. I was an introverted person in my entire school life but BGU gave me confidence, it opened me up. I was someone who had stage fear but now I am someone who can speak up on any place on any topic. The worst fear of mine was will I be able to make friends or find people I could depend on, to my surprise I made incredible friends for a lifetime who are now like a family member of mine. I was worried about what if I lost my path and went the wrong way, who will guide me through it, and then I got my faculty members who made me believe that they are always there for me to guide me through, for both my professional and personal life. BGU gave me friends and mentors like family members. I have friends I can call at 3 in the morning and cry my heart out and they will listen to me, and I have teachers like my parents I call and discuss my problem and they will help me figure things out. I had fights with both my friends and my mentors but at the end of the day we both made up because what is a relationship without a fight.

It was either laughing late at night in my rooms with my friends till Warden warned us for making noise or it was sitting in my class with my friends and discussing our presentation, I don't know when but I felt home. I don't know if it was giving surprises to friends on their birthdays or celebrating Warden ma'am birthday in her room. If it was staying all night awake and then running late in the morning classes or that 10 minutes break between the classes were eating and sharing snacks with everyone. Celebrating the festival together or nights before exams studying together or enjoying the classes together or getting scolded in the classes together. I don't know when but I fell in love and this beautiful campus became my second home. And that's it. This is my small experience of living my life at Birla Global University.

Ria Mishra
BBA DM, (Batch 2019-22)

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