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Dr. Bijay Kumar Sahu

Designation: Regional Manager & Head, NRDC-Mo MSME-Intellectual Property Facilitation Centre (IPFC)
Area: IPR and Business Incubation

Bio Sketch

Dr. Bijay Kumar Sahu is a professional with expertise in technology, intellectual property and innovation management. He has more than fifteen years of work experience and has earned his M.Phil. and Ph.D. from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, with specializations in IPR and Technological Capabilities with special references to Biotechnology Innovation to India. Presently, Dr. Sahu is heading Intellectual Property Facilitation Centre (IPFC) and Technology & Innovation Support Centre at Visakhapatnam, National Research Development Corporation (NRDC), Government of India. Recently, Dr. Sahu received IP Excellence Award from World IP Forum (WIPF) for the year 2021 for Education and Training on IPRs & Innovation. Dr. Sahu is on the AICTE-Institutional Innovation Council as a member and is a Mentor and Nodal Officer for IP of Software Technology Park of India (STPI), Govt. of India.

  • Educational Qualifications


    • Ph.D. from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi


    • M.Phil. from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi specialized in “Intellectual Property Rights, and Technological Capabilities with Special References Biotechnology Innovation to India
  • Experience


    • Facilitated and managed many patents, trademark, design, copyright and other IP to various universities, startups, MSMEs, PSUs and transferred and commercialized many lab scale technologies various startups, MSMEs and industries
    • Coordinated and organized more than 400 national and international seminars, workshops and conference on IP, innovation and technology transfer & cooperation in the country and provided more than 700 lecture on entrepreneurship, innovation, IP, technology commercialization and management.
    • Managing the IP and Innovation of various PSUs like RINL, NALCO, NMDC, OFB, BEML, Ministry of Defence and many more
    • Coordinated a Govt of India Taskforce Study under DSIR on “Innovation Policies in China, Korea and Taiwan: Implication for India

    Academic Engagement:

    • Adjunct Professor of various universities in India like GM University, Veltech University, Sri Sri University, and GITAM University
    • Member of JNU, Padmavati Mahila University, KIIT University IPM, TBI &TEC Centre and many more.
    • Member of AICTE- Institutional Innovation Council of various universities, engineering college and academia in the country.
    • Mentoring start-up activities of state government to various states including Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat and many more.
  • Recognitions and Awards
    • Received IP Excellence Award from World IP Forum (WIPF) for the year 2021 for Education and Training on IPRs & Innovation.
    • Conferred and received Global IP Convention Awards by GIPC during 12th Global IP Convention and ASSOCHAM & IPTSE Award respectively for the promotion of IP facilitation and innovation management.
    • Considered as 100 IP Leader from India by World IP Forum for the year 2018.
    • Invited as a key note speaker of United Nation (UNESCO-EDTECH 2018) on “IP, Innovation in Educational Curriculum”.