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4th Annual Convocation of Birla Global University

Category: Media Coverage Date: 28 Nov 2021


Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar celebrated its 4th Annual Convocation for the MBA, MAJMC, M.Com, MA Economics 2019-21 and BBA, BAJMC, B.Com, BA Economics 2018-21 batch students at its campus in Bhubaneswar on November 28th. Prof. Ganeshi Lal, Governor Of Odisha and Chancellor of the University presided over the occasion.

In his address, the Governor said that the universe, the university and the universal man are all inter-woven. The real mission of a university is to create a universal man who can combine academic excellence with spiritual excellence, material energy with spiritual energy. Drawing from the ancient scriptures & Jagannath Philosophy, he said that intelligence is higher than the mind and a universal man is beyond intelligence and should live in eternal delight and divine bliss. The Governor urged the graduating students to remain conscious at the present moment and light their own candle to be able to explore the fullest potential.

In his Convocation Addess, Mr A. R Nanda, Former Secretary of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India said that the skills and knowledge the students have acquired from this august university will stand them in good stead in their personal and professional life. He urged the students to develop a humanitarian approach, the idealism of compassion and humility to be successful in life.

Welcoming the Chancellor and other dignitaries, Vice-Chancellor, Birla Global University Prof. P.P Mathur presented the annual report of the University outlining its activities and plans.

Prof. P. Nayak, Dean, Birla School of Management & School of Social Sciences & Humanities,  Prof. Samson Moharana, Dean, School of Commerce, Birla School of Communication, Prof. Jammula Sesha Giri Rao presented the list of graduating students and toppers of their respective schools to the Governor for the award of degrees. The Convocation Ceremony was conducted by Dr. B.K. Das, the Registrar, Birla Global University.

The Controller of Examinations Dr. Manas Kumar Pal presented the records of the degrees to the Chancellor.

The MBA Batch Topper & Marketing Topper Poushali Haldar, Area Topper in Human Resources Ankita Prasad, Area Topper in Finance Shailaja Rohillah were awarded Gold medals.

From M.Com, Saswati Sutapa, Preeti Payal, S. Geetanjali were given away medals for being area toppers in Accounting, Finance & Forensic Accounting & Fraud Prevention respectively, S. Geetanjali being the batch topper.

From the undergraduate courses, Manaswini Panda from BBA, Annapurna Paikray from BCom, Iravan Rath from BA Economics were the toppers of their respective batches, Iravan being the best graduate.