Birla Gloal University
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Birla global
Central Library


BGU Central Library is an essential component of the Knowledge Centre of BGU’s research and education mission. The combination of carefully selected print and digital resources via browsing interface, supported by exceptionally fast response service, provides BGU community with a library that is worthy of this world-class institution. The commitment of Library staff and Library Advisory Committee, the support of top management make the library the most lively place on the campus providing a friendly environment that enables learning and advancement of knowledge, extends research and publication assistance and facilitates undergraduate, postgraduate courses and research scholars.

The library is enriched with digital facilities and computer systems. Free access is made available to the students, research scholars, faculty, staff and visiting faculties. The library frequently displays and exhibits various books, newly arrived books and magazines. The students are lent the textbooks for the entire academic session as per rules.

BGU is equipped with Textbooks, Reference books, Policy matters, Fiction and Non-Fiction books and a number of national and international Journals and magazines. It is supported by fully AC two floored reading-room.


  • Library Timings: 09:00 A.M. to 09:00 P.M. (Monday to Saturday)
  • Sunday : 10:00 A.M. to 05:00 P.M.

* Library will remain closed on holidays notified in the University calendar.

Print Resources


  • Circulation
  • OPAC
  • Reference Services
  • Inter Library Loan Facilities
  • Current Awareness Services
  • Internet Facility
  • Digital Library Services
  • Current Content
  • User Awareness Programs
  • Xerox, Printout and Scanning

Library Rules

The Central Library of Birla Global University is primarily meant for the Students, Faculty Members, Researchers, Visiting Faculties and Administrative Staff of the university. The rules are framed to help and promote, rather than to constrain the use of library materials and services:

  • All library users must sign in / out in the register lying at the entrance of Library.
  • The readers shall KEEP SILENCE within the library premises.
  • BGU Central Library follows Open access system. A copy of each title is reserve as NFI book.
  • Reference books, Newspaper, Magazines/Journals should not be taken out of the library.
  • Eating / Drinking / Smoking are strictly prohibited in the Library premises.
  • All personal belongings such as bags, personal books etc. except note books shall not be allowed to be carried in the library. These may keep at Rack available at Library entrance.
  • Users leaving the Library may be checked by the Library staff, if needed.
  • Borrowing facilities are only for members. Library books are issued on the counters on presenting the ID/ Library card.
  • The borrower’s card is not transferable.
  • The members should verify the issued book before leaving the counter. Thereafter, the members will be responsible for any damage to the book issued to them.
  • In spite of repeated reminders, if the book is not returned, the borrowing facility may be withdrawn for a period decided by the Librarian.
  • It is of utmost importance that the members behave in a decent manner with the library staff. It helps in providing better library services.
  • The members should satisfy himself / herself before leaving the issue counter as to whether the book is in sound condition or not. Otherwise he or she may be held responsible.
  • For any dispute or problem, the Librarian may be contacted.

Entitlement for Borrow of Library Books:

  • Students: Total 12 books including set of prescribed books for one sem. including 4 books from stack for 10 Days for reference purpose.
  • Faculty: 20 books for one semester.
  • Admin Staff: 3 books for two weeks.

Overdue Charges

  • An Overdue Charge of Rs. 5/- (Rupees Five only) per day per book shall be charged if a book is kept beyond the loan period.
  • Excuses for exemption from paying overdue charges will not be considered.
  • If due date of returning of books falls during holidays /vacations / examinations, overdue charges will not be count.

Loss / Damage of Books

  • The student must be satisfied with the sound condition of the book before leaving the issue counter. The student will be responsible for any damage to the book detected at the time of return.
  • If an issued book has been misplaced, damaged or lost by the student, then the same must be replaced with a copy of the latest edition by the students. If this replacement is not done, then the student will be charged original procurement cost. In addition to the above, the student also must pay the late fine as admissible.

Library Advisory Committee

  • Dr. Satyakama Mishra (Assistant Professor, BSOM), Chairman
  • Dr. Suvendu Ku. Pratihari (Assistant Professor, BSOM), Member
  • Dr. Nandita Bhattacharjee (Assistant Professor, BSOC), Member
  • Ms. Ishani Acharya (Academic Associate, BSOL), Member
  • Mr. Arun Samnata (Assistant Librarian), Convener

Contact Us

Central Library, Birla Global University

IDCO Plot No.2, Institutional Area, Gothapatna
Bhubaneswar – 751029 (Odisha)

Ph.: +91-674-7103001-10
Extn.-131, 9871732108
